Stories John McCain from November, 2008
Israel: Is Obama good for Israel?
As America elects its next president, Israeli bloggers ponder which candidate is best for their country. Gilad Lotan reviews several perspectives on the topic.
The view from the Pacific (and its environs)
As the first results come in, what are people living in Oceania and Asia thinking about the election? John Liebhardt brings us the latest reactions from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the Philippines.
Cheers for Obama and McCain
They’re cheering for Camp Obama. They’re cheering for Camp McCain. They wear the pins, the t-shirts with the big logos – you name it, it’s on them. Dare say anything bad about their favourite candidate and you’re in for a major debate. Yes, they’re the new mavericks – or would want to be anyway – except of course that they’re not Americans.
Dixville Notch Makes Global Blogosphere History
The world was abuzz on the eve of the historic November 4 election when news headlines revealed that Senator Barack Obama had already won by a landslide victory. Non-American bloggers from all corners of the globe got to typing their thoughts away early this morning, way before polling stations even opened in the US, all inspired by an isolated village in New Hampshire. Eunice del Rosario brings us the story.
The Caribbean Hopes for History to be Made
There is no doubt about it, the 2008 US Presidential election has captured the attention of the world. Whatever the reasons for the unprecedented global interest, there is one common denominator - the rest of the world will continue to be affected by US policies - so in a sense, this is their election as much as it is America's. And in one little corner of the world, at America's back door, Caribbean bloggers have been monitoring developments and waiting for this day...
Who Would Iraq Elect, Obama or McCain?
“Perhaps no other country in the world sees itself as directly affected by Tuesday’s outcome as much as Iraq… If any case could be made that non-Americans should be allowed to vote for either Obama or McCain, then Iraqis would get the first go.†So who would Iraqi bloggers vote for? There is a very wide range of opinions to choose from.
Russian Bloggers Predict US Vote
Anti-Americanism and racism may be big in Russia, but discussions on US presidential elections mostly reflect worldwide reactions: excitement, fear, hope, and some Obamania. Hours before America votes, many Russian-language bloggers are making predictions about the US race. While most posts are short and, often, sweet, some are still arguing for or against the candidates. Simon Maghakyan brings us the buzz from Russian-speaking blogs.
Morocco: Only One Day to Go
Morocco may be in the grip of general Obamania, but a few voices here and there still stubbornly resist the flow. Not that the reluctant Moroccans would give their ballot to John McCain if they had the chance, but they are wary of the American model of democracy, of America, and more than a little sick of an election that hides its flaws under a Hollywood-inspired cast and plot.
America votes. American election officials sweat.
A record number of voters in the United States will attempt to cast ballots in Tuesday's election, leading many to worry about the potential for chaos at polling stations across the country. International bloggers look at the problems and some possible solutions.
Barack Obama: A friend of communists and Palestinian radicals?
John McCain's campaign tried to tie Barack Obama to Rashid Khalidi, whom it called a "neo-nazi," "radical professor" and a "former Palestine Liberation Organization spokesman." What do international bloggers think about these claims?