· February, 2008

Stories Ron Paul from February, 2008

Iraq: They are All the Same But ..

  February 27, 2008

"Be it Obama, McCain, or Clinton, they are ALL the same for me. Be it a black man, a white woman, or a yellow transvestite, I don’t care. I honestly don’t cuz at the end of the day, none of them can fix what's broken," says Iraqi blogger Neurotic Iraqi Wife. Fellow blogger Raed Jarrar sees a silver lining and says a third party might generate some hope for a political revolution in the US. Read the rest of this post to see what Iraqis and Arabs are saying about the elections.

Too Young to Vote

  February 20, 2008

Although Voices without Votes aims to cover the international perspective on the U.S. elections, non-citizens aren't the only ones without a vote. American youth, that is, those under the voting age of 18, are also voteless - but not voiceless! Here is a smattering of what American youth (and their parents) have to say about the primaries, the candidates, and the upcoming nominations.

Japanese Bloggers on Super Tuesday

  February 6, 2008

While Super Tuesday has come and gone in the U.S., conversations carry on in its wake among bloggers in the booming Japanese blogosphere. What do bloggers in the world's second largest economy think of the presidential elections of their major trading partner? In this post: Japanese views on Clinton, Obama, Edwards, McCain and Ron Paul.