Stories Economy & Trade from October, 2008
Obama or McCain – Who is Better (Or Less Bad) for Brazil?
This is the first US presidential elections in which Brazilians clearly see issues close to their hearts at stake. Both candidates have at some point touched on biofuels, international trade, Latin American integration and the place of Brazil in the world. Bloggers from Brazil have their say on who is a better president from their perspective.
Caribbean: How the U.S. Vote Affects the Region
As the moment of truth draws closer, Caribbean bloggers are getting more vocal about what an Obama presidency could potentially mean for the region. Janine Mendes Franco reviews the Caribbean blogs for reactions.
Today's Faves: Liberian Youth, Pepsi, and Obama in the Lottery
Voices without Votes continuously aggregates interesting links about the election from world bloggers. Our authors take turns picking their top 3 personal favorites every weekday. 1) My first pick for...
Africans reflect on Bush, Obama and McCain
As the presidential election zooms towards the final lap, Africa finds itself in the throes of debate for the first time since the major party primaries ended in June. Since Barack Obama and John McCain beat back their respective challengers earlier this year, the two major party candidates have focused on other issues in the race for the presidency, like the global financial crisis and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of not having a place at the table, many Africans and African bloggers have followed the U.S. presidential race with keen interest.
Dressing Up Palin
The self-confessed moose-hunting hockey mom Sarah Palin has spent a whopping $150,000 on hair, make-up and wardrobe, shopping in places where Joe-six-pack would only dream of window shopping. Bloggers from around the world react.
Portuguese Bloggers Analyze U.S. Campaigns
Portuguese bloggers are gearing up for the upcoming U.S. elections. Like bloggers everywhere, they have strong opinions about what's best for the United States. Carlos Santos has a PhD in...
Dear American Voter
In less than two weeks Americans will be going to the polls to make a decision on behalf of the entire world. At least this is what international folks say. To shed light on what ‘foreigners' think and feel, Link TV has launched Dear American Voter, a pioneering project in which people from outside the US send video messages to Americans. Here is a cross-section of reactions.
Europe: About that S word…
The latest line of attack from John McCain's campaign seems to revolve around that S world - you know as in Obama is a Socialist. It is often followed by the obligatory E (for Europe) word as McCain said himself: “â€At least in Europe, the socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives.†So what do Europeans think of that latest from the Republican presidential candidate?
Bloggers fear impact of economic crisis on Madagascar
As the economic crisis continue to worsen, both US presidential candidates, European leaders and heads of international organizations predict that international aid will have to be reduced. Developing countries like Madagascar which are still relying heavily on international aid fear that such reduction will severely hinder the progress made in social development and reduction of extreme poverty. So will the economic crisis affect Madagascar and how ?
Bloggers Chat with Clinton
A number of bloggers were invited to interview Hillary Clinton. Among them was Voices without Votes' Solana Larsen. The Danish-Puerto Rican blogger and Global Voices Online managing editor twittered throughout the duration of the interview. Here are her observations.