Stories Globalization
Caribbean: Hail to the Chief-Elect!
Years from now, people around the globe will remember where they were on November 4, 2008. Barack Obama is the President-elect of the United States - and Americans are not the only ones celebrating! Warm Caribbean congratulations keep pouring in...
The view from the Pacific (and its environs)
As the first results come in, what are people living in Oceania and Asia thinking about the election? John Liebhardt brings us the latest reactions from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the Philippines.
African Bloggers Offer Solidarity to Obama
As Americans line up to vote-in their 44th President, African bloggers write in solidarity and offer near unanimous support for an Obama Administration. So what are people saying? Ari Herzog brings us the scoop from Africa and around the globe.
The Caribbean Hopes for History to be Made
There is no doubt about it, the 2008 US Presidential election has captured the attention of the world. Whatever the reasons for the unprecedented global interest, there is one common denominator - the rest of the world will continue to be affected by US policies - so in a sense, this is their election as much as it is America's. And in one little corner of the world, at America's back door, Caribbean bloggers have been monitoring developments and waiting for this day...
Illegal Alien or Not, the World Reacts to Obama's Auntie Zeituni
Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know by now that Barack Obama's paternal aunt, Zeituni Onyango, 56, who was affectionately described as "Auntie Zeituni" in his memoir, "Dreams from My Father," is a Kenyan immigrant living in Boston public housing. She is also living there illegally, which complicates issues considering she contributed $260 to her nephew's presidential campaign. Bloggers from around the world react.
reason 598, 599, 600, etc. NOT to vote for Obama
…or McCain for that matter. But given the tendency for formerly progressive or radical people to support Obama here are more reasons to vote for Ralph Nader or Cynthia McKinney....
Obama or McCain – Who is Better (Or Less Bad) for Brazil?
This is the first US presidential elections in which Brazilians clearly see issues close to their hearts at stake. Both candidates have at some point touched on biofuels, international trade, Latin American integration and the place of Brazil in the world. Bloggers from Brazil have their say on who is a better president from their perspective.
Caribbean: How the U.S. Vote Affects the Region
As the moment of truth draws closer, Caribbean bloggers are getting more vocal about what an Obama presidency could potentially mean for the region. Janine Mendes Franco reviews the Caribbean blogs for reactions.
Africans reflect on Bush, Obama and McCain
As the presidential election zooms towards the final lap, Africa finds itself in the throes of debate for the first time since the major party primaries ended in June. Since Barack Obama and John McCain beat back their respective challengers earlier this year, the two major party candidates have focused on other issues in the race for the presidency, like the global financial crisis and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of not having a place at the table, many Africans and African bloggers have followed the U.S. presidential race with keen interest.
Today's Faves: Jackass, America's Image, and African Killer Bees
Voices without Votes continuously aggregates interesting links about the election from world bloggers. Our authors take turns picking their top 3 personal favorites every weekday. The pickings were slim on Thursday but that didn't prevent me from finding analysis and commentary from some of the world's best. Ari Herzog looks at posts from Puerto Rico, Canada and Trinidad and Tobago.