· July, 2008

Stories Religion from July, 2008

Israel: Much Ado Over a Prayer

While in Israel, US presidential hopeful Barack Obama placed a prayer in the Western Wall during a pre-dawn visit. Soon enough, a Jewish religious student fished the private note from the wall and gave it to Ma'ariv, where it was published - drawing criticism to both the newspaper and Obama himself. Bloggers were quick to take sides, with some insinuating that perhaps Obama had 'prayed' for the prayer to go public.

Iranian Jewish Immigrant Community Likes McCain

  July 25, 2008

Immigrant communities in the US, whether able to vote or not, have so far played a public role in this year's elections. Many, fed up with US foreign policy, are looking to the incoming president, whomever it may be, for change. One such community is the large Iranian-American Jewish community, the majority of whom live in California. A recent article and podcast, in the The Jewish Journal, focuses on the opinions of that community and their concerns with foreign policy.

Palestine: Obama in the news

As Obama's visit to the West Bank draws near, Palestinian bloggers are talking - about that and about his recent "star turn" on the cover of The New Yorker. Find out what the Palestinian blogosphere thinks of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Trying to get a handle on Barack

  July 10, 2008

A quick taste of recent Australian bloggers comments on things US. There has been more interest in Barack Obama but then he is new on the scene unlike the old...