· March, 2008

Stories Americas from March, 2008

Lusosphera Reactions to Obama's Speech on Race

  March 24, 2008

Following the international trend, Brazilian and Portuguese bloggers reacted to the controversy surrounding comments from Pastor Jeremiah Wright and presidential candidate Barack Obama's speech on race delivered last Tuesday. Paula Góes sums up the reactions of the Portuguese speaking blogosphere in this post.

Filipino bloggers compare US and Philippines politics

  March 14, 2008

Lauded as America’s democratic model in Asia, it is then of no surprise that the Philippines is keeping a close eye on the race to the White House. It may even be insightful to say that when it comes to politics, the Philippines – a former colony of the superpower - is just like the US. Even as politicians change, the system remains very much the same; the voting participation is quite the same; ideological views (and their marginalization) are the same; and the structure of government itself is the same.

China: We need a consistent and pro-trade US president

  March 8, 2008

Trade and politics are inseparable. John Kennedy digs into the Chinese blogosphere to bring us the latest reactions to Obama's stance on the North America Free Trade Agreement, the US Primaries, and which candidate Chinese bloggers are rooting for and why.

Peru: Bloggers Provide Thoughts on U.S. Elections

  March 7, 2008

The primary elections in the United States has aroused interest all over the world. Peruvian blogs are not foreign to that interest and are concerned with the subject in many ways, such as simple references, casual commenting, analysis of the situation or just by reproducing things that have appeared on the web. In this post, Juan Arellano sums up some of the original content he was able to find online.