Stories Americas from August, 2008
The Twittersphere Reacts to Biden's Nomination
This morning, around 3:28 a.m. EST, subscribers to Presidential candidate Barack Obama's text messages received the ultimate announcement - that Obama had finally selected a running mate. His choice? Joe Biden, a senator from Delaware. Although the news was leaked as early as 2:00 a.m. EST, few members of the Twittersphere had anything to say about it. Instead, their reactions were based on Obama's selection of Biden.
Global: Who will McCain Pick as Vice President?
Condoleeza Rice? Mitt Romney? Rudi Giuliani? Ron Paul? Mike Huckabee? These are just some of the names circulating on blogs as to who presidential hopeful John McCain will pick as his running mate in the US elections race.
Global: Who will Obama Pick as Vice President?
The world is watching presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama are yet to announce their running mates in the race to the White House. Who will Obama pick ask bloggers from all walks of life.
Democracy: Is it just a theory?
Arguably, countless eyes around the globe are gaping at one country and its upcoming presidential election. Some non-Americans are taking sides – rooting for Barack Obama or John McCain. Others are just questioning the definition of democracy. Is democracy just a theory?
John Edwards: Scummy, fake, manipulative and pretty?
Since the former Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards admitted to having an extra-marital affair, bloggers from around the world following the story have largely focused on two major issues: First, the sad irony of a politician having an affair while his wife, Elizabeth, fights breast cancer; Secondly, the role the mainstream press played in keeping the story silent.
The Atheist Vote
As the presidential candidates come together to discuss faith and issues of morality, there's a large contingent feeling excluded. Although they have votes, American atheists and agnostics often feel left out as politicians pander to each religion, but skip past those who eschew faith.
Paris Hilton Ready to Lead America
"I want America to know that I'm, like, totally ready to lead," says celebrity Paris Hilton in a tongue-in-cheek online video reply to the advertisment launched by John McCain. The viral caught the blogosphere by storm, triggering millions of hits and thousands of comments and blog posts around the world in less than a day. Paula Goes reflects on a few voices in this post.