Stories Middle East & North Africa from November, 2008
Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job
A new day dawned in Cairo today. As it does every day. And it started as it always does: with birds, schoolchildren, and car horns. No national holiday here. I’m...
‘Race Relations’
All morning I've been talking about the potential implications Barack Obama's presidency may have on race relations not only in the United States, but the world over. While I have...
Israel left uneasy by Obama victory
Israeli officials in Jerusalem on Wednesday reacted to news of Barack Obama's victory in the US presidential election with a degree of concern. Israel's leadership from caretaker Prime Minister Ehud...
Voices from Lebanon: Reactions to President-Elect Barack Obama
As the excitement of November 4 wears off and reality sets in, Voices without Votes will continue to follow reactions from around the globe. Today, however, Lebanese bloggers are still...
Iraq responds: OBAMAAAAAAA!!!! woooohooooo. Wow!!!
So says Neurotic Iraqi Wife. Overall Iraqi blogs were positive toward president elect Obama, but not all bloggers were happy. Salam Adil rounds up Iraqi reactions to the American presidential election.
Egypt: ‘Obama's Win was Obvious’
It's official now, Obama is the 44th president of the United States, and for sure the Egyptian bloggers have mixed opinions about the new president of the world ... ehm ... USA. Tarek Amr brings us the latest reactions from Egypt.
Israel: Is Obama good for Israel?
As America elects its next president, Israeli bloggers ponder which candidate is best for their country. Gilad Lotan reviews several perspectives on the topic.
African Bloggers Offer Solidarity to Obama
As Americans line up to vote-in their 44th President, African bloggers write in solidarity and offer near unanimous support for an Obama Administration. So what are people saying? Ari Herzog brings us the scoop from Africa and around the globe.
Who Would Iraq Elect, Obama or McCain?
“Perhaps no other country in the world sees itself as directly affected by Tuesday’s outcome as much as Iraq… If any case could be made that non-Americans should be allowed to vote for either Obama or McCain, then Iraqis would get the first go.†So who would Iraqi bloggers vote for? There is a very wide range of opinions to choose from.
Morocco: Only One Day to Go
Morocco may be in the grip of general Obamania, but a few voices here and there still stubbornly resist the flow. Not that the reluctant Moroccans would give their ballot to John McCain if they had the chance, but they are wary of the American model of democracy, of America, and more than a little sick of an election that hides its flaws under a Hollywood-inspired cast and plot.