· December, 2008

Stories Netherlands from December, 2008

Breaking News: Bush Ducks Shoes

  December 15, 2008

It was an incident that lasted a mere 12 seconds. But as soon as bloggers the world over watched Muntadar Al Zeidi throw not one, but both his shoes, at US President George W Bush in a Press conference held in Iraq today, reactions - several in 140 characters or less in the Twittersphere - spread faster than you could say ‘footwear’ … twice.

Obama's Senate Seat for Sale!

  December 10, 2008

President-elect Barack Obama's Illinois senate seat is vacant - and up for sale for the highest bidder. Bloggers from around the world chime in to catch up on the action after Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris were arrested and charged by the FBI of corruption in the selection of Obama's successor for the empty Senate seat.