Stories Portugal
Time to Say Good Bye to Bush and Meet the Real Obama
"History never moves with the big things but with the small ones. History changes when, in the armpit of life, a seed of difference germinates, even if a small one. And Obama is this difference, his election was and is that difference. He will be a diagonal between the two theses. Little by little, against racists and racialists. With the whole Africa inside of him, fulfilling his Kenyan destiny. N'Kosi sikeleli Africa!"
Political Clashing in Portuguese Blogs
The Portuguese blogosphere is in the midst of a controversial discussion about the US elections. Reading the blogs, one feels that the bloggers are talking about a Portuguese campaign, given...
Portuguese Bloggers Analyze U.S. Campaigns
Portuguese bloggers are gearing up for the upcoming U.S. elections. Like bloggers everywhere, they have strong opinions about what's best for the United States. Carlos Santos has a PhD in...
Will the elections end up in another Bradley effect?
Bloggers throughout Brazil have promoted a new banner in support of Barack Obama, in which the race question is imbued. The "Não vote em branco" strap line has a simple but yet clever word play: in Portuguese, it means both at the same time: "Don't cast a blank vote" and "Don't vote for a white person."
Racism on the Republican Trail?
Just three weeks away from the November 4 election and things are heating up on the campaign trails, specifically the trails of Republican candidates Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah...
Election Insights from Portugal
In his debut post on Voices without Votes, Portuguese blogger Nuno Gouveia writes about the media frenzy surrounding the US election in his country. Read this post to find out why are the Portuguese so interested in the race to the White House and what are their impressions on the latest presidential debate.
Around the World, Bloggers React to Debate
Bloggers around the world are weighing in with their opinions over last night's Presidential debate which left many pundits scratching their heads and American voters hoping for more. How did Senators Barack Obama and John McCain score with international bloggers? Ari Herzog finds out.
Lusosphera Reactions to Obama's Speech on Race
Following the international trend, Brazilian and Portuguese bloggers reacted to the controversy surrounding comments from Pastor Jeremiah Wright and presidential candidate Barack Obama's speech on race delivered last Tuesday. Paula Góes sums up the reactions of the Portuguese speaking blogosphere in this post.