Stories from February 27, 2008
Iraq: They are All the Same But ..
"Be it Obama, McCain, or Clinton, they are ALL the same for me. Be it a black man, a white woman, or a yellow transvestite, I don’t care. I honestly don’t cuz at the end of the day, none of them can fix what's broken," says Iraqi blogger Neurotic Iraqi Wife. Fellow blogger Raed Jarrar sees a silver lining and says a third party might generate some hope for a political revolution in the US. Read the rest of this post to see what Iraqis and Arabs are saying about the elections.
Obama: No Excitement in Kenya
There is no doubt that Barrack Obama's candidacy in the race to the White House has raised Kenya's profile. Every time he is in the news, it is mentioned that his father was Kenyan. It would be expected therefore that his candidacy would thrust Kenya into a frenzy. But Kenya has its own problems with the post election violence and lethargy by leaders to compromise their political hardlines for the sake of peace.