Blogger Corine Lesnes at the Big Picture, Croquis d'Amérique, asks whether French Prime Minister François Fillon would vote for McCain if he had to express a preference (fr):
“En visite à Washington, le premier ministre François Fillon a été interrogé par FOX News sur ses préférences.
Il n'en a évidemment aucune mais il a livré ce diagnostic:
– “Les Français ont été dans un premier temps attirés par la force du débat à l'intérieur du parti démocrate. Ils constatent depuis quelque temps qu'il y a aussi un candidat républicain”.
While visiting Washington, DC, the French prime minister François Fillon was asked by FOX News on his preferences. He evidently said he had none but he volunteered this diagnostic: -” French people at first were attracted by the sheer intensity of the debate within the Democratic Party. Lately, They are starting to notice that there is also a Republican candidate.”
In the post comment section, gf offers this comparison between the last French presidential elections and the potential outcomes of the US presidential elections (fr):
“Les démocrates sont comme les socialistes français, ils avaient toutes les chances de gagner après les mandats calamiteuses de Bush ou Chirac, mais les socialistes ont perdu chez nous, et les démocrates risquent de perdre aux US.”
The democrats are like the French socialists, they had all the opportunities to win the elections after the disastrous mandates of Bush and Chirac, yet the socialists lost here at home and the democrats might just lose in the US as well.
Damien Leloup, in his blog @meric@ highlights another brewing reverend controversy, this time, for the Mc Cain campaign. @meric@ points towards a video of Reverend Rod Parsley who McCain once called his spiritual guide.
Leloup translates the quotes from the video (fr):
“L'islam est une religion qui nie le Christ, et qui a pour but de conquérir le monde en utilisant la violence […] Le fait est que l'Amérique a été fondée, en partie, dans le but de détruire cette fausse religion”.
Islam is a religion that denies Jesus Christ; its goal is to conquer the world with violence [..] The fact is that America was founded, in parts, with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed.
Leloup also notes that this affair is not as present in the media as the John Agee affair and that Reverend Rod Parsley is a master at reaching the Godwin point in any given conversation( Note: The Godwin point is attributed to anyone who makes the first Nazi analogy in a public conversation).
I think Fillon and Sarkozy seem to sit on the conservative side of the fence which is no surprise considering their affection for the GOP. I don’t see the Democrats losing but I don’t see them winning by huge majorities either, we will have to wait and see.