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Bloggers Chat with Clinton

Categories: Americas, Western Europe, Denmark, Puerto Rico (U.S.), Democratic Party, Economy & Trade, Government & Politics, Media & Internet

A number of bloggers were invited to interview Hillary Clinton. Among them was Voices without Votes‘ Solana Larsen. The Danish-Puerto Rican blogger and Global Voices Online managing editor twittered throughout the duration of the interview.

Clinton was first asked how bloggers could help Democrats win in the election. The former presidential candidate responded [1] with the role bloggers should play.

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Clinton also encouraged [3] bloggers to volunteer to campaign for the Democrats, stating which states needed the most help.

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Clinton also spoke [6] about why McCain's economic proposal was lacking.

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Another blogger asked [8]a question regarding Obama's opinion on the economy and the effects on women.

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The interview with Clinton and the “watchdogs” ended in 20 minutes. Nevertheless, Larsen was still pleased [10].

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