Latest posts by Amira Al Hussaini from August, 2008
Trinidad & Tobago: Hillary and the Divided Vote
Hillary Rodham Clinton has fully endorsed Barack Obama's candidacy and her cry of war no way, no how, no McCain has reverberated on and offline around the world. In the Caribbean, in Trinidad and Tobago, to be more specific, bloggers continue to discuss her support for Obama and the Democratic Party and question whether Hillary's supporters would jump ship and vote for Republican nominee John McCain.
Global: Live from the Democratic Convention
All eyes are fixed on the Democratic National Convention - and some of our international bloggers are actually in Denver, Colorado, blogging it live. Others are wishing they were there and turning to their television screens and the Internet, to cover it as the news comes in.
Global: What does the Obama-Biden Ticket mean?
First, there was a lot of speculation. Then the world got its answer in 3am SMS text messages this morning. Barack Obama has selected Joe Biden, the Delaware Senator, as his running mate in the race to the White House. Here's a quick review of what bloggers from around the world have to say about the selection - and how it will impact their countries' relations with the US should the pair make it to the Oval Office.
Global: Who will McCain Pick as Vice President?
Condoleeza Rice? Mitt Romney? Rudi Giuliani? Ron Paul? Mike Huckabee? These are just some of the names circulating on blogs as to who presidential hopeful John McCain will pick as his running mate in the US elections race.
Global: Who will Obama Pick as Vice President?
The world is watching presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama are yet to announce their running mates in the race to the White House. Who will Obama pick ask bloggers from all walks of life.