· February, 2008

Stories John Edwards from February, 2008

After Fidel, Cuban bloggers discuss US candidates

  February 24, 2008

In the last few days, mostly due to Fidel Castro's announcement to step down from power, US presidential candidates have been commenting on the situation in Cuba and discussing their planned policies with Cuba. Elia varela Serra reviews Cuban blogs to bring us the latest developments.

Jews for Obama

  February 12, 2008

Sounds like a new chapter of Jews for Jesus…. BUT it’s not! Read the following to see this surprising development…. Think Clinton won the Jewish vote in California? Think again...

Japanese Bloggers on Super Tuesday

  February 6, 2008

While Super Tuesday has come and gone in the U.S., conversations carry on in its wake among bloggers in the booming Japanese blogosphere. What do bloggers in the world's second largest economy think of the presidential elections of their major trading partner? In this post: Japanese views on Clinton, Obama, Edwards, McCain and Ron Paul.

Egypt: America Decides

  February 3, 2008

The United States is a the only Super Power in today's Unipolar World. And that's why it takes people here two years to talk about the Presidential Elections there before it even starts, and they continue talking about it for another two years later, writes Tarek Amr, who brings us the latest buzz from the Egyptian blogosphere on the elections, the presidential race and the candidates.