Stories Republican Party from August, 2008
John Edwards: Scummy, fake, manipulative and pretty?
Since the former Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards admitted to having an extra-marital affair, bloggers from around the world following the story have largely focused on two major issues: First, the sad irony of a politician having an affair while his wife, Elizabeth, fights breast cancer; Secondly, the role the mainstream press played in keeping the story silent.
Global: The art of gaining votes
The War on Terror, the U.S. recession, health care and theories of global warming are just some of the issues that will play a factor in who becomes the 44th U.S. president. But, as the campaign plays out, will decisions be made on how the candidates treat or see each other?
The Atheist Vote
As the presidential candidates come together to discuss faith and issues of morality, there's a large contingent feeling excluded. Although they have votes, American atheists and agnostics often feel left out as politicians pander to each religion, but skip past those who eschew faith.
Korea: Why did Bush come to Korea?
Bush’s visit to Korea for one night and two days on the fifth of August made a lot of people busy: A big group who welcomed his visit in one street of Seoul, another big group who were opposed to his visit in the other street of Seoul, the police who were busy suppressing the [...]
Georgia, Russia and the U.S. Presidential Election
With the massive deployment of Russian forces in Georgia, the small South Caucasus country's conflict with Moscow over the breakaway region of South Ossetia has obvious political ramifications thousands of miles away in the United States where presidential elections will be held on 4 November. With some alleging that the crisis reflects a struggle between the West and Russia, where the U.S. Presidential candidates stand on the matter is fast becoming a significant campaign issue.
Morocco: Is John McCain Batman?
Which super heroes do presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama see themselves as? Jillian York finds out.
Australia: US Politics As Usual
It has been a mixed bag from Australian bloggers lately. Paris Hilton has brought some to life but after our drawn-out Federal election last year, I suspect many are tired of the minutiae of campaigning, reports Kevin Rennie from Australia.
Armenia: Oil, Genocide and Obama
Writing for Voices Without Votes in June, Jillian York introduced readers to Facebook's Armenians for Obama and some of what was being said on the social networking site. Since then, however, other Facebook Groups have sprung up which seem to identify a strong backing from Armenians, both inside and outside the republic, for the Democratic candidate in the November 4 U.S. Presidential Election.
Paris Hilton Ready to Lead America
"I want America to know that I'm, like, totally ready to lead," says celebrity Paris Hilton in a tongue-in-cheek online video reply to the advertisment launched by John McCain. The viral caught the blogosphere by storm, triggering millions of hits and thousands of comments and blog posts around the world in less than a day. Paula Goes reflects on a few voices in this post.