Stories Health Care from October, 2008
Caribbean: U.S. Election Countdown
Election day is almost here and as the moment of truth draws closer, Caribbean bloggers are busy with their own brand of political punditry, weighing in on everything from the candidates' position on key issues to “Machiavellian pragmatismâ€â€¦
Joe the Plumber Steals the Show
Joe the Plumber stole the limelight at last night's presidential debate between Barack Obama and John McCain. Who is Joe the Plumber? What is his relation to Joe Six-Pack? And what has he got to do with the elections? Bloggers from around the world weigh in.
Debate Watch: The Global Twittersphere Favors Biden
Throughout the campaign thus far, Voices without Votes has been keeping an eye on the Twittersphere. Last week, we followed our global Tweeps (that's Twitterspeak for “friends”) as they commented...
Debate Watch: What is Sarah Palin Getting Into?
Just a few short hours until the 2008 Vice Presidential Debate and days away from Sarah Palin’s infamous interviews with Katie Couric. So, what’s expected of the Republican VP candidate tonight, as she proves to the world and American voters that she’s a superior choice to Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden?