Stories Health Care

Global: “I'm Voting Republican”

  June 19, 2008

“I'm Voting Republican“, a short film created by Charlie Steak and SyntheticHuman Pictures, has quickly gone viral and created quite a stir on the internet. A sample quote from the...

France: Obama is NOT what we call “left wing”

  April 16, 2008

The US presidential election is seen by many in France as a chance to reassess the Franco-American relationship and find a common ground, writes Lova Rakotomalala, who looks at a new Facebook group, by French socialists, supporting Senator Barack Obama.

Filipino bloggers compare US and Philippines politics

  March 14, 2008

Lauded as America’s democratic model in Asia, it is then of no surprise that the Philippines is keeping a close eye on the race to the White House. It may even be insightful to say that when it comes to politics, the Philippines – a former colony of the superpower - is just like the US. Even as politicians change, the system remains very much the same; the voting participation is quite the same; ideological views (and their marginalization) are the same; and the structure of government itself is the same.