· September, 2008

Stories History from September, 2008

Global: Support for Obama grows

  September 18, 2008

Muslims for Obama. Asian Americans for Obama. Republicans for Obama. The World for Obama. And, the list of online supporters for the idealistic presidential nominee goes on and on. Hoa Quach highlights some of the conversations going on on those blogs.

The Middle East Remembers 9/11

  September 12, 2008

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the US, a pivotal day in history and a day which brought about so much heartbreak and destruction not only in the US but around the world. Bloggers from the Middle East reflect on the disaster.

Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Americans on McCain

  September 12, 2008

Vietnam War Hero. Prisoner of War. Victim of the Communist's captors. And, the list of adjectives goes on and on to describe Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his time in Vietnam. So what do the Vietnamese, Vietnamese Americans and those with knowledge about Vietnam and the war, think of McCain and his time in the Southeast Asian country?

French Conservatives Rally for McCain

  September 4, 2008

If there ever were any doubts that the US presidential election matchup has gone global, they were put to rest by the resurgence of websites and blogs calling for support for McCain. A recurrent theme among the "France for McCain" blogs is the need to counterbalance what they perceive as an unfounded, superficial "Obamadulation".