Stories Human Rights from June, 2008
Facebook's Armenians for Obama
Just as there are Canadians for Obama, South Asians for Obama, and even Madagascar for Obama, there are Armenians for Obama. This group consists of both diasporic Armenians and those...
Palestine: Obama on Jerusalem as Undivided
Barack Obama's pledge on June 11th to AIPAC that Jerusalem should be Israel's undivided capital has angered Palestinian officials. President Mahmoud Abbas made a statement that Obama's pledge is “totally...
What About Obama's Race? The Turkish (and Other) Perception of Obama
On June 6, 2008, Michael Rubin, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, wrote an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal in which he referred to Turkish Prime Minister...
Global: Kucinich Calls for Bush Impeachment
On Monday, June 10, Representative (D-OH) and former presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich spoke to the House of Representatives, listing 35 articles of impeachment against President George W. Bush. His speech...