Stories War & Conflict from November, 2008
Obama: Fortune tellers – past and present
Foretelling political fortunes is risky at the best of times - almost as hard as economic predictions. Remember the warnings of oil at $200 a barrel before the end of the year? Kevin Rennie, from Australia, takes a closer look at predictions for the Obama administration.
Global: On Obama's Cabinet Choices
Two weeks since Barack Obama was elected president and a little less than eight weeks away from his inauguration, and world bloggers have commented on every move the he’s been making and every post he’s assigned.
Sarkozy to Putin: “Do you want to end up like Bush?”
French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Russian president Vladimir Putin are known for having a colorful and unpredictable relationship. Has Sarkozy's warning to Putin not to behave like the American president George W Bush been a factor in not escalating the crisis in Georgia? Bloggers from around Europe weigh in.
Pakistan: Obama the Revenge!
For years, many people in Pakistan hated the policies of US President George W. Bush. Most Pakistanis believed that the policies of Mr. Bush to fight terrorism were failed policies. Yes that is right! Because almost every step taken by him had ironically empowered the fundamental forces like the Taliban and spread the hatred against USA.
Russia: Obama Wins, Medvedev Speaks
Just hours after Barack Obama won the U.S. presidential election, Russia's president Dmitry Medvedev delivered his first address to the Russian Federal Assembly, making statements that grabbed attention both at home and in the West. Below is a selection of Russian bloggers' thoughts regarding the address and its timing.
Iran: ‘Americans waited for 40 years. How long should we wait?’
Many commentators hope that Barack Obama's inauguration will usher in better relations between the US and Iran. With this in mind, several Iranian bloggers shared their feelings on the outcome of the US presidential election and compared the political situation within both countries.
Israel left uneasy by Obama victory
Israeli officials in Jerusalem on Wednesday reacted to news of Barack Obama's victory in the US presidential election with a degree of concern. Israel's leadership from caretaker Prime Minister Ehud...
Iraq responds: OBAMAAAAAAA!!!! woooohooooo. Wow!!!
So says Neurotic Iraqi Wife. Overall Iraqi blogs were positive toward president elect Obama, but not all bloggers were happy. Salam Adil rounds up Iraqi reactions to the American presidential election.
Who Would Iraq Elect, Obama or McCain?
“Perhaps no other country in the world sees itself as directly affected by Tuesday’s outcome as much as Iraq… If any case could be made that non-Americans should be allowed to vote for either Obama or McCain, then Iraqis would get the first go.†So who would Iraqi bloggers vote for? There is a very wide range of opinions to choose from.
Russian Bloggers Predict US Vote
Anti-Americanism and racism may be big in Russia, but discussions on US presidential elections mostly reflect worldwide reactions: excitement, fear, hope, and some Obamania. Hours before America votes, many Russian-language bloggers are making predictions about the US race. While most posts are short and, often, sweet, some are still arguing for or against the candidates. Simon Maghakyan brings us the buzz from Russian-speaking blogs.