· June, 2008

Stories Feature from June, 2008

Facebook's Canadians for Obama

  June 28, 2008

Living within such close proximity to the United States, Canadians are more affected by the U.S. elections than many. Canadians for Obama, a Facebook group featured on Voices without Votes...

If Venezuela could vote…

  June 25, 2008

What if Venezuela could vote in the U.S. elections? Link TV's Dear American Voter series allows citizens of other countries to share their opinions on the upcoming elections. Francisco Toro of Caracas Chronicles does just that, giving viewers a sense of how the U.S. elections could affect Venezuela.

China: Is the West afraid of our patriotism?

  June 20, 2008

Are there factors informing your perception of China circa 2008? Novelist-blogger and researcher of worldly affairs Yang Hengjun moves on from "How did America cover up the truth of the bombing of our embassy in Yugoslavia?" to his post last week, "Are Western countries afraid of the Chinese people's patriotic fervor?"

Global: “I'm Voting Republican”

  June 19, 2008

“I'm Voting Republican“, a short film created by Charlie Steak and SyntheticHuman Pictures, has quickly gone viral and created quite a stir on the internet. A sample quote from the...

Brazil: The Black President Before Obama

  June 17, 2008

The sweeping Obama phenomenon has caught Brazil, and it comes as no surprise in the country with the world's largest population of African descendants. An especially notable thread is the one reporting on the resurgence of a weirdly interesting 1928 Brazilian sci-fi novel — ‘The Black President' — that predicted a US election matching a black, a feminist, and a conservative candidate in the then remote year of 2228.