· August, 2008

Stories Feature from August, 2008

The World Reacts to Sarah Palin's VP Nomination

  August 29, 2008

Less than twelve hours after Democratic presidential nomination Barack Obama made waves with his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, John McCain made tsunami with his selection of Alaskan...

Trinidad & Tobago: Hillary and the Divided Vote

  August 29, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton has fully endorsed Barack Obama's candidacy and her cry of war no way, no how, no McCain has reverberated on and offline around the world. In the Caribbean, in Trinidad and Tobago, to be more specific, bloggers continue to discuss her support for Obama and the Democratic Party and question whether Hillary's supporters would jump ship and vote for Republican nominee John McCain.

Europe: Understanding the United States of America

  August 28, 2008

How are the US elections perceived in Europe? One blogger, currently at the convention, in Denver, Colorado, tries to explain why graspingthe nuances of the US presidential elections (or the US of A in general for that matter) is not an easy task from a foreigner's perspective. Lova Rakotomalala explains.

Will Hillary’s supporters ‘get over it’?

  August 28, 2008

Hillary Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention being held in Colorado, Denver, may have hit a home run. For the most part, bloggers pointed out that the first woman to seriously contend for the President of the United States was wholehearted in her plea for party unity. In what could be the biggest question of Election 2008, will Clinton’s supporters heed her call and support Obama in November? Inquiring bloggers want to know.

Global: Looking inside the world of Michelle Obama

  August 26, 2008

Before yesterday, here’s a list of things most of us knew about Michelle Obama. But on the first night of Democratic Convention, she spoke to a packed Pepsi Center and helped fill us in on her world and her thinking. One may ask: Why should we focus so much on a candidate’s wife? The answer to that question, in some minds, is easy.

Daddy Yankee and McCain: The World is Speechless

  August 26, 2008

The days of reggaeton fans singing “Da me mas gasolina!” has finally passed; now they are just speechless. Their silence came when Puerto Rican pop star Daddy Yankee announced his endorsement of McCain yesterday at a Phoenix high school.

Global: Live from the Democratic Convention

  August 26, 2008

All eyes are fixed on the Democratic National Convention - and some of our international bloggers are actually in Denver, Colorado, blogging it live. Others are wishing they were there and turning to their television screens and the Internet, to cover it as the news comes in.