Stories Lebanon

Gaza Attack: Where is Barack Obama?

  December 31, 2008

As Israel's military excursion into Gaza continues, more than a few bloggers wonder if US-president-elect Barack Obama can help put an end to fighting. However, no one has seen or heard much from the future president, leading many to wonder: Where in the world is Barack Obama?

Global: “Obsession” Propaganda Film Incites Anger

  October 8, 2008

Last week, many newspaper subscribers across the United States were surprised to discover a DVD inserted into their Sunday paper. The video, which can be viewed in its entirety on YouTube, is entitled Obsession: Radical Islam's War With the West and portends to compare the threat of radical Islamism with that of Nazi Germany prior to World War II. The DVD's release was timed to match the upcoming elections, and distribution of the DVD was almost entirely within swing states.

Debate Watch: What is Sarah Palin Getting Into?

  October 2, 2008

Just a few short hours until the 2008 Vice Presidential Debate and days away from Sarah Palin’s infamous interviews with Katie Couric. So, what’s expected of the Republican VP candidate tonight, as she proves to the world and American voters that she’s a superior choice to Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden?

Global Journalists Blog Reactions to Sarah Palin

  September 12, 2008

The Washington Post‘s PostGlobal is an effort to bring global issues to the mainstream. Calling itself an “experiment in global, collaborative journalism” the site, moderated by David Ignatius and Fareed...

The Middle East Remembers 9/11

  September 12, 2008

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the US, a pivotal day in history and a day which brought about so much heartbreak and destruction not only in the US but around the world. Bloggers from the Middle East reflect on the disaster.

Global: The dust settles on the Biden pick

  August 25, 2008

It’s morning in America. After the initial shock, the dust seems to have settled. The United States -- and the rest of the world -- has come to terms with the fact that presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama has named Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. The Obama-Biden ticket will now face presumptive Republican nominee John McCain and his as-yet-unnamed sidekick to see who will become the next President of the United States. Bloggers of all stripes have moved passed their initial gut reactions on the freshly minted Democratic ticket and have started to formulate more solid opinions based on fact. That’s what covering politics is all about, isn’t it?

John Edwards: Scummy, fake, manipulative and pretty?

  August 19, 2008

Since the former Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards admitted to having an extra-marital affair, bloggers from around the world following the story have largely focused on two major issues: First, the sad irony of a politician having an affair while his wife, Elizabeth, fights breast cancer; Secondly, the role the mainstream press played in keeping the story silent.