Stories Oceania from June, 2008
Global: “I'm Voting Republican”
“I'm Voting Republican“, a short film created by Charlie Steak and SyntheticHuman Pictures, has quickly gone viral and created quite a stir on the internet. A sample quote from the...
Global: The World Has a Say!
A number of websites to poll readers from around the world on their choice of who the next president of the US should be have popped up recently. And while non-Americans do not have a vote in the elections, they are still having their say online.
Obamanation: The World Rejoices at Obama's Nomination
A cursory glance at the foreign blogosphere would seem to indicate that Senator Barack Obama is the favored candidate abroad. Today's rejoicing in the blogosphere over securing the Democratic Party's ticket in the race to the White House only serves to back up that hypothesis, with bloggers celebrating Obama's potential nomination.
Global: Apologies for Obama Assassination Comments Not Accepted By Bloggers
In an effort to defend the longevity of the 2008 Democratic race, Hillary Clinton commented to a South Dakota newspaper editorial board that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, did not receive his party's nomination until June. She also invoked the 1968 Democratic race, remarking, “we all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.†Jillian York brings us the reactions of bloggers from around the world.