Stories Ireland

Global: Who will McCain Pick as Vice President?

  August 23, 2008

Condoleeza Rice? Mitt Romney? Rudi Giuliani? Ron Paul? Mike Huckabee? These are just some of the names circulating on blogs as to who presidential hopeful John McCain will pick as his running mate in the US elections race.

Global: Who will Obama Pick as Vice President?

  August 23, 2008

The world is watching presidential hopefuls John McCain and Barack Obama are yet to announce their running mates in the race to the White House. Who will Obama pick ask bloggers from all walks of life.

Global: Apologies for Obama Assassination Comments Not Accepted By Bloggers

  June 3, 2008

In an effort to defend the longevity of the 2008 Democratic race, Hillary Clinton commented to a South Dakota newspaper editorial board that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, did not receive his party's nomination until June. She also invoked the 1968 Democratic race, remarking, “we all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.” Jillian York brings us the reactions of bloggers from around the world.

Global: Edwards Endorses Obama

  May 15, 2008

In a move toward solidarity for the Democratic party, John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama on Wednesday. The endorsement came just a day after Hillary Clinton won 2-1 in the West...

Wronging Wright: Obama Denounces the Reverend

  May 2, 2008

Reverend Jeremiah Wright has been a thorn in presidential hopeful Barack Obama's side since his controversial comments from the pulpit emerged in March. Although Obama defended his pastor for some time, explaining that Wright's comments were being taken out of context, he has now altogether abandoned Wright. Jillian York brings us the latest vibes from the blogosphere.

Too Young to Vote

  February 20, 2008

Although Voices without Votes aims to cover the international perspective on the U.S. elections, non-citizens aren't the only ones without a vote. American youth, that is, those under the voting age of 18, are also voteless - but not voiceless! Here is a smattering of what American youth (and their parents) have to say about the primaries, the candidates, and the upcoming nominations.