Stories Spain

Breaking News: Bush Ducks Shoes

  December 15, 2008

It was an incident that lasted a mere 12 seconds. But as soon as bloggers the world over watched Muntadar Al Zeidi throw not one, but both his shoes, at US President George W Bush in a Press conference held in Iraq today, reactions - several in 140 characters or less in the Twittersphere - spread faster than you could say ‘footwear’ … twice.

The October Surprises

  November 1, 2008

October has come and gone .. and bloggers are still asking what the highly anticipated October surprise could have been. Here are a few scenarios from bloggers from around the world.

Debate Watch: What is Joe Biden Up Against?

  October 2, 2008

Since Barack Obama selected Senator Joe Biden as his running mate just prior to the Democratic National Convention in August, little attention has been paid to the Senator from Delaware. With all of the media's attention focused on Obama himself (as well as Sarah Palin of course), little focus has been given to Biden. The blogosphere is the exception, however, as bloggers debate Biden only hours before the vice presidential debate.

Around the World, Bloggers React to Debate

  September 27, 2008

Bloggers around the world are weighing in with their opinions over last night's Presidential debate which left many pundits scratching their heads and American voters hoping for more. How did Senators Barack Obama and John McCain score with international bloggers? Ari Herzog finds out.

Global: Support for Obama grows

  September 18, 2008

Muslims for Obama. Asian Americans for Obama. Republicans for Obama. The World for Obama. And, the list of online supporters for the idealistic presidential nominee goes on and on. Hoa Quach highlights some of the conversations going on on those blogs.

Global: Hackers invade Palin's privacy

  September 18, 2008

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said “farewell” to much of her privacy yesterday, after a group called Anonymous hacked into her personal e-mail account. The invasion of privacy comes at a time when Palin and her husband are being questioned about the firing of Alaska’s former public safety commissioner Walt Monegan. Palin’s campaign manager released a statement saying: “This is a shocking invasion of the Governor’s privacy and a violation of law.” World bloggers agree.

Daddy Yankee and McCain: The World is Speechless

  August 26, 2008

The days of reggaeton fans singing “Da me mas gasolina!” has finally passed; now they are just speechless. Their silence came when Puerto Rican pop star Daddy Yankee announced his endorsement of McCain yesterday at a Phoenix high school.

Global: Katrina Vote Matters

  August 26, 2008

The hour when the one of the largest hurricanes ever to form and hit American shores are just a few short days away. And, citizens throughout the world have not forgotten this nor have they failed to let it shape their views of the two main U.S. presidential candidates.