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Morocco: Much Ado About Hussein

Categories: Middle East & North Africa, Morocco, Democratic Party, International Relations, Media & Internet, Religion

Barack Obama [1] has been challenged by the American right for several reasons – refusing to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, for attending an Islamic school as a child, and for being born to a Muslim father. Now he is under attack for his middle name – Hussein, a name made famous by Iraq's former leader, Saddam Hussein.

Eatbees is aghast at the absurdity of it all, and shares a link to Andrew Sullivan's blog [2], where this comment has been posted:

Recall how football players shave their heads in solidarity with a teammate who's going through chemo? What the Democrats need to do, should Obama become the nominee, is to use Hussein as their adopted middle names. Ted Hussein Kennedy. Nancy Hussein Pelosi. Hillary Hussein Clinton. (Well, maybe not.) And his supporters, too. This is something that can easily go viral and backfire on the far right big-time.

He shares this sentiment in his blog [3]:

The idea that a Muslim-sounding name should call into question a person’s belief in democracy, or his loyalty to his country, is absurd. In fact it is shameful. Just as Hitler wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if everyone in Germany had worn the Jewish star instead of the Nazi cross, having the middle name Hussein won’t sound so scary if everyone does it. So until Barack Hussein Obama is elected president in November, my middle is Hussein!

Tomorrow, I’ll be posting an appreciation of Obama from a friend of mine, a Moroccan teacher. Every so often, we hear that Obama’s election would have a positive effect on the image of the U.S. in the eyes of the world, and my friend has decided to step forward as an example of that. A warning to bigots, though: my friend is a practicing Muslim! Do we really want someone as president who appeals people like him?

Myrtus has a different take on the matter, placing some of the blame on Obama [1] for defending himself so adamantly:

OK Mr. Obama I believe you. You are not a Muslim, OK?
Who cares that your middlename is Hussein anyway, it's just a name and you don't even like to use it.
There once was a Saddam Hussein, he was known as “the butcher of Baghdad”. He was a Muslim, but that has nothing to do with you.
I have a cousin named Hussein, he grew up to be just fine and so did many other Husseins I grew up with. There also was a king named Hussein. He was married to an American, OK she was an Arab-American, but still. He was a Muslim too, but rumor has it among Jordanians, he converted to Christianity shortly before he died. But those are just rumors and he's not around anymore, so who cares? I'm just glad you're still around to dispel the rumors about you, and guess what? I'm still not going to vote for you. I'm sorry but I'm not allowed. But if I were allowed to vote, it would probably be a toss up between the other two. Not because I think they're that much better than you, it's just that there aren't that many choices.
It's just a sign of the times Mr. Obama, try not to pay attention to any of that and I'll try not to pay attention to you.