Although the presidential elections in the US do not generate as many reactions as the French elections in Madagascar, the intrigue surrounding the democratic party's nomination provoked plenty of reactions on the Malagasy blogosphere. Seven posts, mostly centered around the Barack Obama phenomenon, in the past month led to 116 comments.
Some Malagasies are convinced that Obama is able to implement the unity he promised, both in the US and on in the international scene.
Here are a few excerpts from the posts and their reactions:
Sipakv was convinced by Obama, the writer:
“Throughout the book (note: Dreams of my father), I find Obama’s modesty striking and quite an appealing feature it is too. I read somewhere on the Internet a review criticizing the book for not shedding a clue of what a man Obama is. I could not believe it. This book tells it all and gives a measure of what a president Obama would be if he were elected. I believe he would be indeed a unifier, having bridged chasms and divides all his life.”
Ketabloky explains why she joined the Madagascar for Obama chapter (fr):
“Parce qu’il a fait sienne la réflexion d’Edgar Morin « ce n’est pas parce que l’on renonce au meilleur des mondes, que l’on doit renoncer à un monde meilleur », et parce que son discours sur l’unité fait écho à une période difficile de l’histoire récente de mon pays, je porte avec mes concitoyens internautes, Tony Jouaux, Sebastian Chris, Natassia Caffery, Lea Forverskov, Mehmet Uzun, le fanion d’une nation qui est en même temps toutes les autres par la grâce de ce seul trait: son humanité. Madagascar for Obama !”
( translation) Because he (Obama) embodies Edgar Morin's quote: ” it's not because we gave up on making the best world possible that we should give up trying to make the world better” and because his discourse on unity echoes a difficult period in my own country, I readily carry the banner with my fellow bloggers, Tony Jouaux, Sebastian Chris, Natassia Caffery, Lea Forverskov, Mehmet Uzun, the banner that proclaims in unisson with the others its only trait: its humanity. So there you go: Madagascar for Obama”.
However, many others are warning against getting the danger of following a charismatic leader.
Dotmg writes:
“Politics and high politics can change men.
A good soul in a good man that were there 10 years ago may have left.
Sometimes, only the body remains, and the heart has forgotten all the good things that the eyes have seen.
That’s why politicians **always** deceive people.”
Rajiosy adds (fr):
“Comme le charme et l’éloquence du gars, c’est utile pour gagner des élections mais pas pour tenir l’Empire qui nécessite non pas tant d’autres qualités mais surtout d’autres défauts que notre bel ange nous “cache†encore ? et puis aller discuter “sans conditions†avec Ahmadinejad qui nargue et qui ne veut que la destruction de l’amérique relève de la légèreté à mon sens. à mon avis, Condi Rice par exemple, est plus apte à négocier (ou a plus de c…) avec ce genre de lascar qu’un idéaliste comme B. Obama”
(translation) As for the charisma and the eloquence of the man, it's useful to win elections but not to maintain an empire. That necessitates different qualities and more importantly different vices, that our “nice angel” may be hidding from us ? Moreover, in my opinion, agreeing to discuss “without conditions” with Ahmadinejad who defies the US and just wants its destruction is a bit irresponsible. I think, Condi Rice is more apt to negotiate with that kind of lads that an idealist like B. Obama.
Sipakv believes Obama has already transcended the race issue and that it will be good for the the other leaders of the US black community to acknowledge that fact and follow his lead instead of accusing him of being an uncle Tom (fr):
“Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, les vieux loups du mouvement des droits civiques des annees 60 : si un Noir ne se fait pas champion des causes noires, ce n’est pas un leader “NOIRâ€. Un peche impardonnable pour Obama de vouloir devenir president des Americains tout court, et pas seulement des Americains noirs.”
(translation) Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the old guards of the civil rights movement in the 60's: if a black is not claiming to be the champion of the black cause, then he is not a “BLACK” leader. An unforgivable sin for Obama to want to be the president of all Americans, and not only of Black Americans.