During his recent visit to the Middle East, Senator John McCain grabbed the headlines of Israeli blogs, with some bloggers hailing his visit and others questioning its motives.
Aussie Dave welcomes McCain saying:
I know many of my American readers have reservations about him – especially on domestic issues – but Republican Presidential candidate John McCain is sounding the right notes when it comes to Israel. He seems to understand that our war against the terrorists is not just our war.
Aussie Dave is especially pleased that McCain agrees that:
*it does not make sense for Israel to talk with Hamas
*the US should not dictate policy to Israel
*Israel has the right to respond vigorously to the rocket fire emanating from Gaza
*Iran is a huge threat to the world
*he supports Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
The blogger still has reservations though and writes:
Of course, I realize there is a difference between saying the right things and doing the right things. After all, how many times have we heard a US President say they promise to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, only to postpone the move?
In McCain’s case, there are some worrying signs, including the mention of James Baker as a possible presidential envoy to the region, and the claim by Israeli journalist Amir Oren that McCain lied about having had said Israel should return to the 1967 armistice lines.
Stephanie, meanwhile, casts doubts on the motive behind the visit, which the media reported was a fact-finding mission. She writes:
Well look who’s here on a “fact finding mission�
Mr. U.S. Senator McCain Republican Presidential hopeful, that’s who.
He’s touring the region – Iraq, Israel, Jordan, France and England – NOT on a support-drumming PR mission, oh no.
He’s here to find facts.
Well, Mr. McCain, start talking to the masses and you will behold an outpouring ofopinions“factsâ€. More than bargained for. What a deal.
It’s just the way people are in these parts. Lots to say. So little time.
While you’re pulling out the “facts†for Mr. McCain maybe have a look-see for that checkbook buried deep in the pocketbook. It always helps to back facts with figures.
I’m just sayin’…
Batya, at Shiloh Musings, says that while Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are battling it out, McCain:
has the nomination already sewn up, which gives him the leisure to travel/campaign abroad as he campaigns for the US Presidency.
Batya also believes that McCain is good for Israel but is worried about his inner circle:
As a strong, experienced US Army veteran, I have no doubt that his gut reaction is good when it comes to Israel. My problem is more with his staff and supporters, especially Joe Lieberman, failed VP nominee, formerly Democrat, now Independent, who sounds Republican, at least most of the time. Yes, Lieberman is not only Jewish, he's the most prominent Jewish Sabbath observer in the United States. When he ran for Vice President, Al Gore proudly reminisced that he had been Lieberman's “Shabbos goy.”
Lieberman is a Leftist when it comes to Israel. He supports and strong United States, which is why he likes McCain, but he's one of those in LaLa Land about the Arab danger to Israel.