In a move toward solidarity for the Democratic party, John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama
on Wednesday. The endorsement came just a day after Hillary Clinton won 2-1 in the West Virginia primary.
From India, Pickled Politics puts it concisely:
It’s been a long time coming but John Edwards has finally endorsed Barack Obama…
…Another nail in the coffin for the Clinton campaign…
The World Wants Obama Coalition, a blog set up to demonstrate Obama's popularity worldwide, believes that the endorsement will break barriers:
In his landmark endorsement of Senator Obama in Grand Rapids, Michigan today, former Presidential candidate John Edwards emphasised the importance of restoring Americas moral authority and image in the world. The evidence collected on this website from dozens of countries demonstrates that Senator Obama has the backing of world public opinion and, if he governs as President according to the ideals that have excited us in his campaign, then we believe he will indeed be able to pull down the dividing wall that Edwards talks about:
A Political Glimpse from Ireland shares a theory on the endorsement:
My theory on the Edwards endorsement is that the Democratic Party leaders have had a meeting and said that Senator Obama is the nominee. In order to appease Clinton supporters and heal the party, they have allowed her to continue on but pressed the remaining Superdelegates and anyone with some political power to openly endorse Senator Obama so that this drawn out process can be done by the end of May. What does everyone else think? To answer the question to what a alot of people have been asking; Yes, I think the endorsement does matter and it will help Senator Obama.
Vivir Latino from Puerto Rico finds the suspense exciting:
Now, you know Hillary is probably pissed off about this one. Now all eyes turn to former Vice President Al Gore. Will he endorse Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? The suspense is better than a novela!!!