“I'm Voting Republican“, a short film created by Charlie Steak and SyntheticHuman Pictures, has quickly gone viral and created quite a stir on the internet. A sample quote from the parody:
I'm voting Republican because I think new drugs should be made available immediately, whether they've been tested properly or not. If the major pharmaceutical companies’ bottom lines are healthy, I feel healthy too.
Bloggers have certainly gotten the joke. Ramon de Vries says:
If I could vote in the US of A, I would vote Republican just because of this inspirational video.
My suggestion to all our fellow voting Americans: think about this video for the next 5 months and make a Change by voting Republican ;)
From France, Livejournal user, mooglosaurus agrees:
I wish I could vote in the USA!!
If I could vote, I would vote republican, just like my favourite Fairy Godmother! Thanks T!
Australian blogger Duncan (Duncan's Propaganda Blog), who has been following U.S. political advertisements closely, had this to say about the video:
I’m Voting Republican is a satirical look at the likely outcome of another four years of Republican government, put out by SyntheticHuman, a collective of film directors in Phoenix, Arizona. The clip features 28 actors talking, tongue in cheek, about their reasons for keeping the Republicans in government.
The not-so-subtle message behind the film is the importance of a united bloc of citizens willing to take the time and effort to vote Democrat in order to improve America’s domestic and foreign policy.
Matthew Moore, writing for a Telegraph.co.uk blog, is impressed:
“I'm voting Republican because…
…… I just don't feel like I deserve health insurance.” Killer line from the latest US election video that confirms once again that the Democrats have all the best virals.
I’m voting republican, but I wish RON PAUL was still running. It makes me angry that the Media, which is controlled by the govt wouldn’t give Ron Paul any coverage. Why? maybe because RON PAUL wants to get this country run that way our forefathers intended it to be run and making Washington accountable to the US CONSITUTION. RON PAUL wants to do so much good for America. The sad thing is we the people suffer and are getting ripped off by our own government
It was lots of fun working with the crew! Go Synthetic Human Pictures!
I’m voting republican…cause there is no real conservative party with a chance of winning and I don’t prefer america continuiing on the path to a socialist state. And I don’t think the United States government has, within the scope of its constitutional power, to make its citizens pay for those who believe they “deserve” health care. It’s just that attitude of entitlement that has run this country into the ground. Katrina was an equal natural disaster as the latest floods of the midwest. Difference: a sense of entitlement and pure lack of a moral compass led to a catastophe.
The midwest is full of hardworking americans who know that to get things done, they must not expect the government to do the work for them.
Oh, and yes, Bush took six days to visit the midwest floods and three days to visit Katrina…so he likes whites only half as much as he likes blacks.
I am voting Republican because I can’t stand left-wing Reuters, the Democratic Party, the anti-American atheist George Soros and his slimy and lying 527 groups such as Move-On.org and Media Matters? that try to buy an election by his wealth.
Who sends bills to the president to sign? The House and Senate, both have Democrat majorities…. and they are doing a real bang-up job… The video was funny.
I love the section with the country lady about big corporations: “America’s strength comes from the ability of its citizens to engage in free enterprise, to compete, to innovate, and to create jobs for themselves and other Americans.”
Wake up dems. Your party is the one against free enterprise, always making business (which by the way is where all of you get your jobs) out to be the bad guy who takes advantage of its workers. You are all poor idiots who, if you worked hard and actually became financially successful, might want to keep your income instead of paying way too much in taxes so that all the welfare moochers can go to the doctor every time they sneeze. Ignorant retards
The country has a huge trade deficit, and adding to the welfare state will just increase the speed we head for bankruptcy. Actually, we need a revolution if we are to avoid it. The large amounts of fossil fuels, especially oil will just send us further down the path. Obama wants to continue to subsidize farmers who don’t need it, and corn ethanol which is extremely bad for the environment and uses much fossil fuel. McCain is a good 2nd choice.
For those of us who can’t vote in the Presidential election, we need a version called “I wish I could vote for McCain…”. Same script would do!