In Taiwan, like in the United States, there are supporters and critics for both presidential candidates running for the 2008 US presidential election.
evil capitalism criticizes John McCain's emphasis in the elections:
08年美國總統é¸èˆ‰çš„é‡é»žæ˜¯ç¶“濟,絕å°ä¸æ˜¯åœ‹å®¶å®‰å…¨ã€ä¸æœƒæ˜¯ä¼Šæ‹‰å…‹æˆ°çˆã€‚看到馬åŽåˆ°ç¾åœ¨é‚„å …æŒåœ‹å®¶å®‰å…¨ï¼Œå¯¦åœ¨è®“我ä¸çŸ¥é“該說什麼æ‰å¥½ã€‚
evil capitalism does not support the candidate for vice president chosen by McCain, either.
最好的副總統候é¸äººï¼Œæ˜¯ä¹…經政壇打滾,經æ·å¾ˆå¤šæª¢è¦–和攻詰,å»é‚„èƒ½æ´»ä¸‹ä¾†çš„äººã€‚å› ç‚ºé€™ç¨®äººï¼Œç½©é–€æœ€å°‘ï¼Œå¹«ç¸½çµ±å€™é¸äººæ¸›çš„分也最少。
McCain's choice of candidate for vice president is the biggest strategic error after he started to run for presidency.
On the other hand, Barack Obama has also raised concerns about what he will do if he were elected.
Mr. 6 said most Obama's supporters do not really know why they choose Obama:
全矽谷顯然都支æŒé»‘人候é¸äººæ巴馬(Barrack Obama),我自己也喜æ¡ä»–。但å•å•ç‚ºä»€éº¼æ”¯æŒä»–,å¦ç™½èªªï¼ŒçœŸçš„å°±å¦‚æ–‡ç« èªªçš„ï¼Œæ巴馬代表「digi-coolã€ï¼Œæ巴馬代表「數ä½é…·ã€ï¼Œæ巴馬代表 「改é©ã€ï¼Œåª’體都說æ巴馬是下一個約翰甘迺迪呢ï¼ä½†é€™äº›äººä¹‹ä¸ï¼Œæœ‰å¹¾å€‹æ˜¯çœŸæ£è§€å¯Ÿæ”¿è¦‹èˆ‡å…¶ä»–候é¸äººä¹‹å¾Œæ‰åšå‡ºã€Œå–œæ¡æ巴馬ã€çš„決定?
Iron said Obama should show a firm stance.
部份評論家都èªç‚ºå› 為æ巴馬沒有æ·å²åŒ…袱,ä¸æ˜¯è¶Šæˆ°ä¸–代,沒當éŽå¬‰çš®ï¼Œå†åŠ 上他的膚色å¯ä»¥æ•´åˆé»‘白,所以å¯ä»¥è¶…越舊時代的文化戰çˆï¼Œæ•´åˆç¾Žåœ‹çš„é‡å¤§æ”¿æ²»åˆ†æ§ã€‚æ巴馬自己也是如æ¤å¼·èª¿ï¼›… å•é¡Œæ˜¯ï¼Œé€™å€‹çœ‹ä¼¼ä¸ç«‹çš„ç«‹å ´è®“è¨±å¤šäººæ‰¹è©•æ巴馬除了修è¾ç¾Žéº—外,並沒有清楚實質的價值。…æ巴馬很難超越舊的文化戰çˆè€Œä¸æˆç‚ºæ”¿æ²»æŠ•æ©Ÿä¸»ç¾©ã€‚政治人物å¯ä»¥å‹™å¯¦ï¼Œä½†ä¸èƒ½æ²’æœ‰ç«‹å ´ã€‚
samhain preferred McCain because of his suspicions toward Obama's speech.
我寧å¯ç›¸ä¿¡ä¸€å€‹ä¸ŠéŽæˆ°å ´çš„è€å…µï¼Œä¸ä¸è½ä½†å‹™å¯¦çš„言論,ä¿å®ˆä½†å¯è¡Œçš„作為,但而ä¸é¡˜æ„ç›¸ä¿¡ä¸€éƒ¨å¤¢å¹»è£½é€ æ©Ÿã€‚
There are more Taiwanese not choosing a side but observing carefully how Americans proceed their presidential election.
Ironsnow commented on the presence of Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin in the elections:
Beefcake is interested in a gay senior high school student.
é€™å‰‡ä»¤æˆ‘æ„Ÿèˆˆè¶£çš„å ±å°Žï¼Œæ˜¯æœ‰é—œç¾Žåœ‹ä¸€ä½å¾ˆæœ‰å‹‡æ°£16æ²é«˜ä¸ç”Ÿçš„故事,他å«åšWilliam Sleaster,也是這幾天美國炒總統大é¸æ–°èžæ™‚ä¸å¯éºæ¼çš„é‡è¦äººç‰©ï¼Œé€™å€‹äº‹ä»¶ä¹Ÿé–“接著代表é’少年與弱勢æ—群的心è²ã€‚ …雖然這種ç©æ¥µçˆå–權利的人,有時會惹來一般民眾和ä¿å®ˆæ´¾çš„討åŽï¼Œä½†å°æˆ‘這個無膽的人來說,他們真的是å¦ä¸€å€‹å¢ƒç•Œçš„人。
Furthermore, Jas9 cares about how non-profit organisations reach their goals by working with these political figures.
ä»Šå¹´å› æ‡‰æ—¥ç›Šç™½ç†±åŒ–çš„ç¾Žåœ‹ç¸½çµ±å¤§é¸ï¼ŒBest Friends更推出Obama Family Dog(建請民主黨總統候é¸äººæ巴馬èªé¤Šæµæµªç‹—)的請願活動,呼籲美國社會大眾:以èªé¤Šæµæµªç‹—å–代購買竉物狗。
Mr 6, are you aware that Obama had over 18,000,000 votes in the primary? If you were able to talk to most of his supporters, you are one “awesome” dude.
If you have not, your observation of why we support Obama is flawed. Dontcha think?
I watched both conventions and witnessed history.
Barack Hussein Obama is smart and has a great personality but he is not believable and cannot be trusted. Obama “HOPES” we won’t notice how many times he has “CHANGED” his mind. He has based his entire campaign on lies. He has too many ties to terrorists and anti-Americans (Ayers, Rezko, Said, Farrakhan, Pfleger, Wright [‘God Damn America’], etc.). If you are the leader of a country — or a business for that matter, there are no “present” votes — That’s how Obama voted most of the time. He worked 142 days in the Senate and spent the rest of the time running for president. Obama will bankrupt America — especially with his capital gains taxes. His death tax will hurt our children and grandchildren. No one is experienced on ALL issues; however, he is not experienced enough ON ANY ISSUE to run this country. He keeps bashing President Bush — President Bush is NOT in this race! Obama is unqualified and unfit to become Commander-In-Chief. In fact, his association with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, among others, would prevent him from getting the security clearance needed to enter the military as a private. HE HAS NEVER SERVED OUR COUNTRY!
Joe Biden does have political experience. If Obama wins, he will be the puppet and Biden the puppeteer (vie Bush/Cheney). The only difference is that Biden doesn’t know when to shut his mouth or turn on his filter! In the debates, Biden himself said Obama was not prepared to be President and that it wasn’t a position to “test drive”. Biden was right — we do not need a president in training! Obama knew how his own colleagues felt about his inexperience.
The Honorable John McCain has worked for our country for all of his adult life. He brings years of experience. He has proven he loves our country enough to die for us! John McCain is a Hero and true American Patriot. He has shown his integrity. He is genuine — A man that I trust. As for his choice of Sarah Palin, she has a lot of good points herself. As one Proud American, he gets my vote!
Sarah Palin is smart, accomplished, believable and likable. She brings a breath of fresh air and offers change we can believe in. She has more executive and leadership experience than any candidate. She is governor of our largest state. She crossed party lines to do what was right for Alaska and will do the same for the United States of America! PALIN IS A STRONG COMBINATION OF GRACE AND STRENGTH. I have no qualms about stating that SOME DAY, Sarah Palin will most assuredly be the first woman President of the United States!
Lady C – I am from the Silicon Valley and I cannot either, quite frankly, see what all the excitement about Mr. Obama is about. Neither a liberal or conservative is the answer. By nature, both parties hold deep reservations about certain things that simply defy logic. What we need is an agile politician — one who does the right things, at the right times, not just because it’s what the “party” wants.
I was appalled when Republican strategist claimed that this election is not about the issue but personality. Quite frankly, if I wasn’t just a new immigrant, I would probably feel insulted by that statement. If average American choose not to read and study deeply into issues but simply judge and make their choice according to vague impression, hearsay or bumper stickers, than I will have to agree that Obama was wrong, that American people are stupid!!!
If we elect John McCain, he will start WWIII, period. Maybe on accident, but it won’t matter much when we are all pulverized into fire and ash.
Furthermore, to the guy here who says Barack “can’t be trusted…” hmm,that sounds exactly how a Klansman might’ve referred to the local negro shoe shine boy… i can see right through you people
Obama made a mistake and basically admitted to being a Muslim. (He said, “My Muslim Faith”).
Is anyone seriously considering putting a Muslim (Christian /Jew hater) in the White House?
God, please heal out land !
Excuse me GEO, where the hell are you getting these lies? Off of Yahoo Answers? Be specific and tell me where and when Barack Obama EVER said he was a Muslim. Be specific you coward liar!
Here ya go raybar – hear it for yourself. He made a Mohammedan slip. No true Christian makes this mistake. This was all over the news week before last. If you do your homework on this pathetic socialist candidate…you wouldn’t be calling me a liar. Obama is the “LIAR.”,CST-NWS-faith08.article
So IF he were a Muslim, that means he hates Christians and Jews? All Muslims hate them?
Geo, get an education, get out of your house. You can’t generalize a group of people unless you somehow can understand their feelings personally. Just because you saw a big bad terrorist man from Yemen on Fox News doesn’t mean you can associate his idiotic rambling for the rest of the Muslim faith.
Besides, these past “Christian” presidents…especially the last one…have been a disaster.
Oh, and John McCain didn’t want to “die” for his country. He was captured. He had a good chance to die for his country when he was stranded in the middle of North Vietnam with a pistol and a burning jet. Just wanted to point that out that it wasn’t this huge blaze of glory, last stand, “I’m giving EVERYTHING to my country” type scenario. It as more of a “I’m from a military family, so I’m inspired to join” and then a “oh scheiss don’t die” situation afterwards.
After watching Sarah Palin on Catie Couric or any of her other telepromter-less TV experiences…you can scratch off the “grace” from the “strength and grace” part. I will give her “strength”, though, but it’s more like that “strength of a retard” kind. Everything is stacked against her, mostly because of her own fault. Everyone calls her out on her mistakes, she tries to turn it around and blame it on the media. She’s terrible at subtly dodging questions. She’s just an “adorable little cornered animal”. Anyone in their right mind would throw in the towel rather than become the laughing stock and more ridiculous vice president nominee in the history of the US.