Two radio hosts from Montreal, the Masked Avengers (les Justiciers Masqués), successfully impersonated French president Sarkozy and carried on a humorous conversation with VP candidate Sarah Palin. The two comedians are famous for similar prank calls made to former French president Jacques Chirac, Britney Spears, Mick Jagger and yes, even President Sarkozy.
The interview can be heard below and touched on various topics: Palin’s hope for elections, her admiration for the way Sarkozy energized French politics, hunting and their respective spouses.
Richard Hétu, from Canada, reacts to the news (fr):
Décidément, la campagne présidentielle ne prendra pas fin trop tôt pour Sarah Palin, qui s’est fait piéger par les Justiciers Masqués, comme on peut l’entendre dans le clip ci-dessus. La gouverneure d’Alaska croyait s’entretenir au téléphone avec Nicolas Sarkozy, qui lui a notamment parlé de Johnny Halliday, son «conseiller spécial»
The presidential campaign definitely cannot end early enough for Sarah Palin, who was victimized by the Masked Avengers in a phone prank, as you can hear in the clip below. The governor of Alaska believed she was conversing with Nicolas Sarkozy who mentioned to her his special adviser, Johny Halliday ( translator's note: Halliday is a reknowned French singer, famous for being a strong Sarkozy supporter and whose affinity for American culture made him  chose an American alias).
Hadya, in the comments section, still cannot believe Palin fell for the prank:
Et cet accent Français exagéré! C’est tellement caricatural.Mais comment elle a pu marcher à ce point?
And the overdone French accent! It's such a caricature. How could she have fallen for it for that long?
JimdeQuebec does not appreciate the Masked Avengers brand of humor and finds attenuating circumstances for the fact that Palin persevered with the conversation despite the growing absurd remarks by the comedian. However, Â he is still appalled that Palin does not seem to know who the Canadian prime minister is:
Que Palin ne sache pas que le premier ministre du Canada est Stephen Harper me sidère! Biensûr, je suppose que lorsque vous parlez à un président étrangé d’un pays du G8 vous fermez votre gueule même devant les blagues de mauvais goût, spécialement si l’interlocuteur a un accent imcompréhensible et que vous êtes plus ou moins sûr de tout saisir. Â
The fact Palin does not seem to know that the prime minister of Canada is Stephen Harper blows my mind! I suppose that when one is talking to the president of a G8 nation, one would keep quiet even when confronted with dubious jokes, especially if that person has an incomprehensible accent and that you are not sure that you understood everything he said.
Julie Connan, highlights the fact that Sarah Palin reveals that in eight years, she might just run at the top of the ticket:
Sarah Palin se dit confiante avant le scrutin de mardi et se réjouit que les sondages montrent un rétrécissement de l'écart entre les candidats démocrate et républicain.”Je vous vois présidente un jour vous aussi”, dit alors l'humoriste. “Peut-être dans huit ans”, lui répond Sarah Palin avec un petit rireÂ
Sarah Palin said that she was confident before election day on Tuesday that was excited that the polls showed the republican ticket closing the gap on the democrats. “I can see you as a president one day,” says the comedian. “Maybe in eight years,” answered a giggling Sarah Palin.
Tunisian blogger, ALGY, also blogs about the prank and links to her latest commentary on Sarah Palin:
Il faut bien davantage pour convaincre et séduire les électrices que de leur proposer de rallier le panache d’une farouche chasseuse d’ours, elle-même assez inexpérimentée. Mais c’est surtout un choix qui frise l’absurde quand on sait que les féministes, les plus susceptibles de voter pour une Femme par conviction idéologique, rejetteront Palin en raison de ses positions anti-avortement.
It may take more than that to convince and seduce women voters, more than an inexperienced charismatic bear hunter. However, the absurdity of the Palin pick lies mainly in the fact that feminists, who may lean towards a female candidate from an ideological perspective, will reject Palin based on her pro-life stance.
I’d say this was funnier than SNL