Morocco may be in the grip of general Obamania, but a few voices here and there still stubbornly resist the flow. Not that the reluctant Moroccans would give their ballot to John McCain if they had the chance, but they are wary of the American model of democracy, of America, and more than a little sick of an election that hides its flaws under a Hollywood-inspired cast and plot.
In a severe post entitled “A good show does not equal democracy” [fr], blogger baraka from Tangiers doesn't mince words: “In the United States, democracy is a pure fiction”.
The media in countries that are part of NATO offer a wide coverage to the US presidential election, and convey a double message: the future of the allied countries lies in Washington, the United States is the model of democracy. But it is well known that the US Presidential election is tainted by money. This election is already costing over 1,5 billion USD. Below this superficial critique, lies another hidden reality: money makes the winner, but maybe it's the other way round, money goes to the candidate who was designated all along [..] Â
Baraka republishes a long article by Thierry Meyssan [fr],  a controversial French writer who still maintains that no plane crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11, that it was all a plot, but has nevertheless a large number of followers, united by a solid mistrust, if not more, of America.
Ce show régénère la société tous les quatre ans, il sert aussi à nettoyer l'image des États-Unis dans le monde. L'opinion publique internationale est invitée à suivre un spectacle qui fasse oublier les crimes précédents et lui redonne espoir. Cette année le casting est particulièrement réussi : un sémillant jeune noir assisté d'un vieux briscard de la politique contre un ancien combattant épaulé par une femme sans complexes. Déjà , la presse mondiale titre sur l'après-Bush comme si les guerres en Afghanistan et en Irak étaient des erreurs passagères imputables à la seule Administration sortante
Amazing flow  [fr] chose to zoom in on a side of Obama that has gotten very little coverage in Moroccan or French media: his support of the death penalty. In a video montage, he matches footages of public statements on this issue by Obama and Jean-Marie Le Pen, the champion of the French extreme-right, and find them perfectly in tune. Too banal comments gloomily under the video:
 Obama ou pas, rien ne changera sur le fond des réalités de la politique étrangère américaine
Obama or not Obama, nothing will really change in the foreign policy of the United States.
Blogger chergaoui [fr]  has no time for gloominess: he is on a rush quest for online election creativity, which obviously is on Obama's side.  After Pumpkins for Obama and Design for Obama, he recommends warmly his latest finding: “Not another C student“, t-shirts adorned by the best Bush's gaffes of the decade, and Republican blunders of the year.
Leur objectif est de faire savoir aux gens qu’il est temps de mettre un terme à l’ignorance et à l’incompétence qui règne à la maison blanche depuis 8 ans. Ils dénoncent la médiocrité, et ils le font de belle manière : des modèles de stickers, posters et t-shirts, sur lesquels on peut lire des extraits de discours et d’interviews, sont téléchargeables gratuitement
Only one day to go…