Inauguration day on January 20, 2009 shapes up to be an event to remember for many historical reasons. One of the more mundane reasons will be the invitation extended by president elect Barack Obama to the Malian duo Amadou et Mariam. Amadou and Mariam, also known as the “blind couple from Mali” are famous for their unique brand of Afro-blues and recording of the official anthem of the FIFA 2006 World Cup. Their presence at inauguration day among other renowned artists such as Beyonce, Jay-Z or Leona Lewis got the blogosphere buzzing. Steven Cigale asks the readers of his blog for their opinions on the duo and the Obama's invitation (fr). Here are a few of their reactions in the comment section:
Mdoumbia is very proud of his fellow Malians:
Bravo Amadou et Mariem! Vous faites honneur au Mali serieux dans le travail.
Lacroixfrancis from France, is incredulous with joy:
Pour eux cela doit être irréel, ce retrouver a chanter devant ce phénomène , bravo Monsieur Obama, pour ce choix si judicieux et tellement symbolique, vous au moins ne faites pas dans le BLINGBLING, le Mali peut être fier de ce choix et ce dire que les américains vont peut être enfin savoir ou ce trouve ce petite pays d'Afrique,THANK YOU SO MUCH MISTER PRESIDENT !! and good luck Marianne et Amadou, I HAVE A DREAM!!!!
Julien Michel sees the invitation as a sign of recognition of lesser-known talents from lesser-known nations:
Je tiens à saluer les performances de ce groupe qui au dela de leur talents musicaux ont su transmettre un réel message venu d'afrique, de la population dite “pauvre” (bien qu'elle soit très riche d'un point de vue culturelle et qu'on en parle pas assez).
je tiens aussi à saluer le geste “d'ouverture” du président américain Mr Obama qui à compris les enjeux de demain et qui a su tendre la main à des talents moins dirigés par la course aux bénéfices.
Sometimes, Africa and American politics come together in the most unsuspected place from the most unsuspected band. The long-awaited album from the heavy metal band Guns N’ Roses, Chinese Democracy, has one track called Madagascar (see video below).
The song speaks of drifting “so far out from the shore that I can't find my way back, my way anymore” a recurrent theme when it comes to Madagascar. The mention of an African country is already a not-so familiar territory in the heavy metal universe but the more unexpected part is that, as seen on the video, a major portion of the song contains part of Martin Luther King Jr's famed speech, “I have a dream”. And that's how, thanks to Axl Rose, one mixes rock n’ roll, civil right movement and Africa.
Almost on cue, Malagasy blogger Vola recently wrote a blog post celebrating the life of Dr. King, 40 years after his passing and invites her readers to attend an exhibition in honor of his memory.
(photo credit to Vola)