Hoa Quach

Latest posts by Hoa Quach

Global: Support for Obama grows

  September 18, 2008

Muslims for Obama. Asian Americans for Obama. Republicans for Obama. The World for Obama. And, the list of online supporters for the idealistic presidential nominee goes on and on. Hoa Quach highlights some of the conversations going on on those blogs.

Global: Hackers invade Palin's privacy

  September 18, 2008

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said “farewell” to much of her privacy yesterday, after a group called Anonymous hacked into her personal e-mail account. The invasion of privacy comes at a time when Palin and her husband are being questioned about the firing of Alaska’s former public safety commissioner Walt Monegan. Palin’s campaign manager released a statement saying: “This is a shocking invasion of the Governor’s privacy and a violation of law.” World bloggers agree.

Global: Blogging about Todd Palin's Subpoena

  September 15, 2008

Sarah Palin’s main man, Todd Palin, may be subpoenaed to speak about the firing of Alaska’s public safety commissioner, Walter Monegan. According to recent reports, Monegan believes his release was brought upon him because of his refusal to fire trooper Mike Wooten, Palin’s former brother-in-law. World bloggers used the weekend to soak in the news and write their thoughts.

Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Americans on McCain

  September 12, 2008

Vietnam War Hero. Prisoner of War. Victim of the Communist's captors. And, the list of adjectives goes on and on to describe Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his time in Vietnam. So what do the Vietnamese, Vietnamese Americans and those with knowledge about Vietnam and the war, think of McCain and his time in the Southeast Asian country?

Brazil: Majority for Obama

  September 10, 2008

The BBC has recently conducted a World Service poll which shows that out of 22,500 people surveyed in 22 countries, 49 per cent were in favor of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. One of the 22 countries included citizens from Brazil, where bloggers are typing away their opinions on the presidential election and showing strong support for the nominee. Here's a snapshot of reactions.

Global: Palin pushes McCain up the Gallup Poll ladder

  September 10, 2008

It’s been a week since the Republican National Convention and statistics are showing the convention worked in Republican nominee John McCain’s favor. The Gallup Poll recently released scores showing that 48 per cent of registered voters would elect McCain over 45pc for Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. For three of the world’s bloggers, the results didn’t come as a surprise after viewing both the Democratic and Republican Conventions.

The Asian American Vote: Is it Swinging Left or Right?

  September 2, 2008

They only make up about 5 per cent of the U.S. population but their vote still matters. And, the two main presidential candidates see this and are fighting for those votes. And both candidates still have a large group of Asian supporters – whether the majority it swinging left or right will soon be determined, writes Hoa Quach.

Daddy Yankee and McCain: The World is Speechless

  August 26, 2008

The days of reggaeton fans singing “Da me mas gasolina!” has finally passed; now they are just speechless. Their silence came when Puerto Rican pop star Daddy Yankee announced his endorsement of McCain yesterday at a Phoenix high school.

Global: Katrina Vote Matters

  August 26, 2008

The hour when the one of the largest hurricanes ever to form and hit American shores are just a few short days away. And, citizens throughout the world have not forgotten this nor have they failed to let it shape their views of the two main U.S. presidential candidates.