Lova Rakotomalala

Latest posts by Lova Rakotomalala

France: Understanding the Minorities’ Votes in Florida

  September 22, 2008

It seems increasingly clear that Florida once again is going to be critical factor in the elections. Both Republican nominee Senator John McCain and Democratic nominee Senator Barack Obama know it. According to polls, the battle will again be very close. French blogger, Laure de Montalembert surveys the Floridian electoral landscape and tries to understand the factors that matter to Floridian voters.

French Conservatives Rally for McCain

  September 4, 2008

If there ever were any doubts that the US presidential election matchup has gone global, they were put to rest by the resurgence of websites and blogs calling for support for McCain. A recurrent theme among the "France for McCain" blogs is the need to counterbalance what they perceive as an unfounded, superficial "Obamadulation".

Europe: Understanding the United States of America

  August 28, 2008

How are the US elections perceived in Europe? One blogger, currently at the convention, in Denver, Colorado, tries to explain why graspingthe nuances of the US presidential elections (or the US of A in general for that matter) is not an easy task from a foreigner's perspective. Lova Rakotomalala explains.

Switzerland, France: Swift Boat Strategy Part II

  August 21, 2008

Jean-François Schwab, a Swiss blogger at americanpolyphony, revisits the summer of 2008 in US politics, a deceptively eventful summer that has seen Obama's slight advantage in the poll disappear and turn into a 5 point-deficit in favor of McCain a week before the Democratic National Convention.

Campaigning Abroad: A welcome change or an exercise in futility?

  July 21, 2008

With both candidates spending some time abroad to explain their foreign affairs strategies (Obama currently in Afghanistan and soon in Europe, McCain in Mexico and Colombia) the rest of the world wonders whether they should celebrate this new emphasis on international relations or expect a potential backlash for either candidates.

France: Follow the Money Trail

  July 8, 2008

What will be the deciding factor for the 2008 presidential elections, you ask: Race, Age, National Security, young people's involvement ? Money seems to be the consensus among French blogs...

France: Obama is NOT what we call “left wing”

  April 16, 2008

The US presidential election is seen by many in France as a chance to reassess the Franco-American relationship and find a common ground, writes Lova Rakotomalala, who looks at a new Facebook group, by French socialists, supporting Senator Barack Obama.

France to Obama's Speech on Race: It's About Time

  March 19, 2008

Barack Obama's speech on race touched French bloggers, writes Lova Rakotomalala, who translates blogger reactions in this post. They also wonder why Democrats abroad voted mostly for Obama and why the Republicans don't have similar primaries for American expatriates.