Stories Jordan
Global: “Obsession” Propaganda Film Incites Anger
Last week, many newspaper subscribers across the United States were surprised to discover a DVD inserted into their Sunday paper. The video, which can be viewed in its entirety on YouTube, is entitled Obsession: Radical Islam's War With the West and portends to compare the threat of radical Islamism with that of Nazi Germany prior to World War II. The DVD's release was timed to match the upcoming elections, and distribution of the DVD was almost entirely within swing states.
Global Journalists Blog Reactions to Sarah Palin
The Washington Post‘s PostGlobal is an effort to bring global issues to the mainstream. Calling itself an “experiment in global, collaborative journalism” the site, moderated by David Ignatius and Fareed...
The Middle East Remembers 9/11
Today marks the seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the US, a pivotal day in history and a day which brought about so much heartbreak and destruction not only in the US but around the world. Bloggers from the Middle East reflect on the disaster.
Global: All Palin all the time
What has changed in the US election scene since 2000? John Liebhardt takes us on a personal journey - and points out how there is very little interest in the Republican convention today. When international bloggers talk about Republicans today - what is it that really stands out? Following are reactions from Jordan, Israel, Egypt and South Africa.
Daddy Yankee and McCain: The World is Speechless
The days of reggaeton fans singing “Da me mas gasolina!†has finally passed; now they are just speechless. Their silence came when Puerto Rican pop star Daddy Yankee announced his endorsement of McCain yesterday at a Phoenix high school.