May, 2008

Stories from May, 2008

Global: For Clinton, a new mandate from the ‘Mountain State'?

For those of you who weren’t aware, West Virginia, the 41st-largest state in the United States, broke away from much larger Virginia in 1861, during the U.S. Civil War. It was in the mountain state Tuesday night, where West Virginia’s voters overwhelmingly supported Hillary Clinton 67 to 26 per cent over Democratic front-runner Barack Obama. John Liebhardt brings us the latest world's reactions to newest face off between the Democrats.

Watching the U.S. from Down Under

  May 12, 2008

A desire for a new attitude by the U.S. to international relations is a subtext in many recent blog posts in Australia. The concern that John McCain will be more of the same is never far from the surface, writes Kevin Rennie, who reviews blogs from Down Under.

Iran: US Elections from an Iranian Perspective

Iranian bloggers have launched a far-ranging debate about the elections in the United States at the time when such discussions are not seen in mainstream media. Akbar Chanani tunes into the Farsi blogopshere where Iranian bloggers continue to compare between the elections in the US and Iran and discuss their hopes and fears of how the next president in the Oval Office would react towards their country.

Global: Obama Closes the Deal?

  May 7, 2008

They call it a “big step.” That’s what Barack Obama took Tuesday when he won the North Carolina Democratic Primary hands down and was narrowly defeated in Indiana by Senator Hillary Clinton. John Liebhardt brings us the reactions of bloggers around the world commenting early on the two primaries, who say that the show for the Democratic race is nearly over.

Philippines: The Other “Bill” That Hillary Backed

  May 5, 2008

Victory was declared for the thousands of World War II veterans from the Philippines this past week with the passing of the Filipino Veterans Equity Bill in the US. Democrats pushing the legislation now want a six-decade-long law overturned to give an estimated 18,000 Filipino war veterans who live in...

Wronging Wright: Obama Denounces the Reverend

  May 2, 2008

Reverend Jeremiah Wright has been a thorn in presidential hopeful Barack Obama's side since his controversial comments from the pulpit emerged in March. Although Obama defended his pastor for some time, explaining that Wright's comments were being taken out of context, he has now altogether abandoned Wright. Jillian York brings us the latest vibes from the blogosphere.