August, 2008

Stories from August, 2008

Paris Hilton Ready to Lead America

  August 6, 2008

"I want America to know that I'm, like, totally ready to lead," says celebrity Paris Hilton in a tongue-in-cheek online video reply to the advertisment launched by John McCain. The viral caught the blogosphere by storm, triggering millions of hits and thousands of comments and blog posts around the world in less than a day. Paula Goes reflects on a few voices in this post.

Israel: Stories and Personal Opinions on Obama's Visit

Obama's recent visit to Israel was certainly a hot topic across Israeli media, which acknowledges the Democratic candidate for taking all necessary steps to mark his stance - clearly showing that he will continue to be a close friend and ally to Israel. Gilad Lotan reports on the latest buzz from the Israeli blogosphere.

American companies assist in Chinese Totalitarianism

  August 4, 2008

Everybody probably knows about the Chinese human rights violations that are being committed on a regular basis by Chinese authorities on its own people. Except for those living under rocks, I guess! Did you know that American companies are helping the Chinese government in their totalitarian expansion among its citizens,...