· September, 2008

Stories East Asia from September, 2008

Tina Fey Reloads

  September 30, 2008

Following popular demand, Tina Fey is back as Sarah Palin. After an internationally appraised impersonation of Gov. Sarah Palin in her first Saturday Night Live sketch as a “spot on” act, Tina Fey is reenacting Gov. Palin’s interview with CBS host Katie Couric. Although the first sketch did receive a certain disapproval, Fey’s audience was demanding an encore.

Global: Let the financial sector eat cake?

  September 29, 2008

In Japan, people have seen the election of four Prime Ministers in the past two years. The process has been described as “remarkably well-governed” because the professionalism of the so-called professional class, the bureaucrats who actually run the country. What would people say about the United States? Have the regulators, these so-called professional bureaucrats who work above the political fray handled the economy better than the political class?

Obama: When Race Rears its Ugly Head

  September 26, 2008

With a little less than two hours to go before the two US presidential candidates flex their muscles at their first televised debate, bloggers from around the world are busy registering their impressions on the candidates. Here's a reflection from international bloggers on Democratic nominee Barack Obama.

Vietnamese and Vietnamese-Americans on McCain

  September 12, 2008

Vietnam War Hero. Prisoner of War. Victim of the Communist's captors. And, the list of adjectives goes on and on to describe Republican presidential nominee John McCain and his time in Vietnam. So what do the Vietnamese, Vietnamese Americans and those with knowledge about Vietnam and the war, think of McCain and his time in the Southeast Asian country?

French Conservatives Rally for McCain

  September 4, 2008

If there ever were any doubts that the US presidential election matchup has gone global, they were put to rest by the resurgence of websites and blogs calling for support for McCain. A recurrent theme among the "France for McCain" blogs is the need to counterbalance what they perceive as an unfounded, superficial "Obamadulation".

The Asian American Vote: Is it Swinging Left or Right?

  September 2, 2008

They only make up about 5 per cent of the U.S. population but their vote still matters. And, the two main presidential candidates see this and are fighting for those votes. And both candidates still have a large group of Asian supporters – whether the majority it swinging left or right will soon be determined, writes Hoa Quach.