Voices without Votes continuously aggregates interesting links about the election from world bloggers. Our authors take turns picking their top 3 personal favorites every weekday.
If you want to know the latest political advice from Palestinian group blog KABOBfest on whether to vote for Democratic candidate Barack Obama or Republican John McCain, the answer is clear: Don't vote.
Suggesting Arab Americans not vote on November 4, QuiQui writes:
How about we hear not one. single. word. of complaint for the next four years from those who are about to vote the trash in next Tuesday to replace the garbage they voted in eight years ago?
Arab Americans were asked vote for George W. Bush in 2000 in swing states like Florida by the same people now asking that Arab Americans living in swing states vote for Obama.
How about the Arab American leadership like those from the Arab American Institute stop trying to lead.
How about Arab Americans sit this one out. How about Arab Americans not vote. That way, this time, you can have every right to complain when Obama or McCain screw everything up.
How about, instead of the call to play ping-pong between Republicans and Democrats every four years, we hear calls to spend our energies on imagining and living under genuine democracy. Ways that do not rely on “leaders” to partake in the impossibility of “representation.” Ways that encourage us to do politics every day — not once every two or four years.
Electoral politics is not politics, yet we allow it to the be beginning and the end of our democracy oligarchy. Asking that everyone participate in this system is not going to change it any. On the contrary, it only legitimizes it and renders it our only thinkable solution.
Canadian blogger Darryl Wolk disagrees, though questions whether people are tired of Obamamania.
Darryl is glad the U.S. election nears to a close:
In 5 days, I will no longer be writing about the US election after blogging about it since 2006. It has been a historic primary. An African-American candidate for President. Two prominent women Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton taking center stage and breaking down barriers for women. A slate of political all stars running in both primaries that included Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards and Joe Biden. We have seen endorsements, debates, speeches, a revolutionary internet campaign and a presidential election that really started following the last mid-term race in 2006. Millions have been raised and spent. The campaigning is basically over. The focus now for both sides must be getting out the vote on the ground, particularily in the swing states. This campaign has been exciting and turnout is going to be extremely high.
How do Wolk and Canadians feel about McCain and Obama?
Read on:
John McCain says he is running on change and that he is different from Bush. His policies are the same and his campaign has been nothing but mudslinging and negative attacks. Obama wants to build America up while McCain is focused on tearing Obama down. His low road attacks are not based in truth and his polling numbers show that Americans have rejected the recycled “liberal”, “tax and spend”, “socialist” and “weak on national security” labels that have been used in past campaigns. I have not seen one person comment about how George W. Bush has done a good job or has been a great president. People on the right and left are united in calling Bush one of the worst presidents in United States history. Unfortunately, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. It is time for real change.
Barack Obama has been tested during these past two years. He has made an immediate impact in the senate dealing with arms control and ethics. He has experience in the state legislature. His campaign has been about unity and moving America forward. He offers the change that Americans and the world are demanding. His platform (or the video last night) shows that many of his policies are no different than what Conservatives are offering in Canada. Unlike McCain, we know exactly where we stands. He is running on the economy, an area McCain admits he is not up to speed on.
As for the future, will Sarah Palin run for the presidency in 2012? Thomas Ash of British-American project openUSA ponders that intellectual question over several paragraphs, with the following conclusion and an assumption about next week's victory:
Assuming McCain loses, she is bound to attract some of the blame. Her popularity in Alaska shows signs of decreasing from its (very high) initial base, and events there may yet damage her. She will face formidable opponents, possibly including a better-funded Mike Huckabee and a re-energised Mitt Romney (whose former staffers have been involved in spreading anti-Palin spin to reporters, according to the American Spectator). And, awkward though it is to say so, her looks – which constitute a significant part of her appeal for some people – will begin to fade as she goes from 44 to 48.
Should Arab Americans stay away from the polls?
Will Obama occupy the White House?
And will maverick and hot mama Palin lose her looks by 2012?
1 comment
Asking Arab Americans not to vote is a pathetic message. “How about Arab Americans sit this one out. How about Arab Americans not vote. That way, this time, you can have every right to complain when Obama or McCain screw everything up.”?!?!?! Oh my god, how stupid can one get? Oh, don’t do anything, so you can legitimately whine? No, let me be clear. If you don’t vote, you have NO right to complain! If you don’t want to be part of American politics, don’t complain. If you don’t want to be American, don’t be American.
Now, if you REALLY want Arab Americans to have a voice, go find an independent and vote en mass for this person, and everyone will say, “Woah, JoeBlow the candidate got a whoppings 3% of the national vote? Who voted for them? Wow, the Arab Americans? Dang, we’d better listen to them and appeal to them for real, since 3% can really swing an election. Maybe they’re worthy of consideration as citizens, instead of throwaways who just complain!”
Apathy isn’t the answer, guys. If it’s broke, fix it, don’t just whine about it.
And more. “beginning and the end of our oligarchy”????!! That’s exactly what we DON’T have, we only have 2 parties. What we really need is more parties, so that no one automatically has simple majority.
I’ve never heard of QuiQui before, and I’m glad now why.