August 29, 2008

Stories from August 29, 2008

The World Reacts to Sarah Palin's VP Nomination

  August 29, 2008

Less than twelve hours after Democratic presidential nomination Barack Obama made waves with his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, John McCain made tsunami with his selection of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as running mate. Palin was the youngest person ever, and the first woman to be elected to...

Live-Tweeting the DNC: Reactions to Barack Obama's Speech

  August 29, 2008

Continuing our coverage of the Twittersphere's response to the Democratic National Convention, we move forward to reactions to Barack Obama's speech. Obama, who took the stage at 10:15 EST, started by thanking the audience profusely, for which he received some teasing from amiraalhussaini and nplaughlin. As the speech begins, African...

Live-Tweeting the DNC: Reactions Leading Up to Obama's Entrance

  August 29, 2008

Perhaps even more so than blogging, Twitter has become a popular tool for getting messages to the public quickly. Users from around the globe have been tweeting about the elections for months now, and tonight, the global Twittersphere waits with bated breath for presidential hopeful Barack Obama to accept the...

Trinidad & Tobago: Hillary and the Divided Vote

  August 29, 2008

Hillary Rodham Clinton has fully endorsed Barack Obama's candidacy and her cry of war no way, no how, no McCain has reverberated on and offline around the world. In the Caribbean, in Trinidad and Tobago, to be more specific, bloggers continue to discuss her support for Obama and the Democratic Party and question whether Hillary's supporters would jump ship and vote for Republican nominee John McCain.