Stories from October 29, 2008
Today's Faves: Obama-Handed Presidency, Different Conservatives, and Pundits
Voices without Votes continuously aggregates interesting links about the election from world bloggers. Our authors take turns picking their top 3 personal favorites every weekday. Today's picks are from Cuba, Canada and Malaysia.
Caribbean: How the U.S. Vote Affects the Region
As the moment of truth draws closer, Caribbean bloggers are getting more vocal about what an Obama presidency could potentially mean for the region. Janine Mendes Franco reviews the Caribbean blogs for reactions.
Hanging Sarah Palin in Effigy
When news broke that a West Hollywood couple had hung a Sarah Palin effigy by a noose outside their home as part of a Halloween display, the blogosphere could hardly contain itself. Although many bloggers agreed that the effigy was not a crime, there was a general feeling that it was in bad taste.
Political Clashing in Portuguese Blogs
The Portuguese blogosphere is in the midst of a controversial discussion about the US elections. Reading the blogs, one feels that the bloggers are talking about a Portuguese campaign, given...
Sing Along to the White House
Talent is pouring out from all corners of the globe in support of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. Here are some songs celebrating the Illinois Senator from Ghana, Japan and Germany.
Today's Faves: Liberian Youth, Pepsi, and Obama in the Lottery
Voices without Votes continuously aggregates interesting links about the election from world bloggers. Our authors take turns picking their top 3 personal favorites every weekday. 1) My first pick for...