- not my real name. Why? I run a well known Arab company and blogging lets me say what I really think without worrying about who is reading. I am an Iraqi who has lived nearly all my life in London. I feel blogs give people a small snapshot into the worlds of ordinary people from their front door, which the media cannot. Without blogging you would only ever see the journalists side of the picture.
Latest posts by Salam Adil
Iraq responds: OBAMAAAAAAA!!!! woooohooooo. Wow!!!
So says Neurotic Iraqi Wife. Overall Iraqi blogs were positive toward president elect Obama, but not all bloggers were happy. Salam Adil rounds up Iraqi reactions to the American presidential election.
Who Would Iraq Elect, Obama or McCain?
“Perhaps no other country in the world sees itself as directly affected by Tuesday’s outcome as much as Iraq… If any case could be made that non-Americans should be allowed to vote for either Obama or McCain, then Iraqis would get the first go.†So who would Iraqi bloggers vote for? There is a very wide range of opinions to choose from.
Iraq: “Obama couldn't care less about us”
...so says Iraqi Pundit. Apart from the usual suspects, talk of the US Presidential campaign in Iraqi blogs is pretty thin on the ground. But that silence in itself speaks volumes.