Stories Diaspora from October, 2008

Global: “Obsession” Propaganda Film Incites Anger

  October 8, 2008

Last week, many newspaper subscribers across the United States were surprised to discover a DVD inserted into their Sunday paper. The video, which can be viewed in its entirety on YouTube, is entitled Obsession: Radical Islam's War With the West and portends to compare the threat of radical Islamism with that of Nazi Germany prior to World War II. The DVD's release was timed to match the upcoming elections, and distribution of the DVD was almost entirely within swing states.

Caribbean: From the Debate to a Circus?

  October 7, 2008

There's a popular saying that when America sneezes, the Caribbean catches the cold. Regional bloggers, like bloggers the world over, understand that the outcome of the upcoming US Presidential election will have an impact on their future - so a few of them have been carefully monitoring developments and voicing their opinions - and no event has elicited as much outcry as the Vice Presidential Debate.