Stories Government & Politics

Kenyan bloggers react to Obama's victory

  November 5, 2008

Kenya has been electrified over the Obama victory. In fact, the government declared a public holiday to celebrate this 'AmeriKen's' election. The Kenyan blogosphere has begun debating how President Obama will not only change America, but how he could inspire young people everywhere.

How the World Rejoices to an Obama Administration?

  November 5, 2008

As Barack Obama spoke to the American people as the President-Elect of the United States, many bloggers throughout the world were reveling in what can now be called a historic election. What will four years of President Obama bring to the U.S.? How will American now interact with the rest of the world?

President-Elect Barack Obama: The blogosphere reacts

  November 5, 2008

After a long election campaign and an equally taxing Election Day, the results are finally in: Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. After following this election for so long, the international blogosphere is now ready with its critique of the new President.

Caribbean: Watching, Waiting…

  November 5, 2008

The region (and indeed the world) thinks it knows who has won the race to the White House, but the suspense is killing Caribbean bloggers. Seriously. The mood in the blogosphere is positively electric, with (almost) everyone catching Obamamania...

The view from the Pacific (and its environs)

  November 5, 2008

As the first results come in, what are people living in Oceania and Asia thinking about the election? John Liebhardt brings us the latest reactions from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the Philippines.

Election Day Voting Problems

  November 5, 2008

Election Day is almost over. However, the problems at the polls aren’t – as issues across the states have been reported with news of it traveling around the globe. Bloggers from around the world react.

Cheers for Obama and McCain

  November 5, 2008

They’re cheering for Camp Obama. They’re cheering for Camp McCain. They wear the pins, the t-shirts with the big logos – you name it, it’s on them. Dare say anything bad about their favourite candidate and you’re in for a major debate. Yes, they’re the new mavericks – or would want to be anyway – except of course that they’re not Americans.