Stories Nigeria
President-Elect Barack Obama: The blogosphere reacts
After a long election campaign and an equally taxing Election Day, the results are finally in: Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. After following this election for so long, the international blogosphere is now ready with its critique of the new President.
Africans reflect on Bush, Obama and McCain
As the presidential election zooms towards the final lap, Africa finds itself in the throes of debate for the first time since the major party primaries ended in June. Since Barack Obama and John McCain beat back their respective challengers earlier this year, the two major party candidates have focused on other issues in the race for the presidency, like the global financial crisis and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of not having a place at the table, many Africans and African bloggers have followed the U.S. presidential race with keen interest.
Live-Tweeting the DNC: Reactions to Barack Obama's Speech
Continuing our coverage of the Twittersphere's response to the Democratic National Convention, we move forward to reactions to Barack Obama's speech. Obama, who took the stage at 10:15 EST, started...
Did New Yorker Obama cartoon cross the line?
A cartoon on the cover of the U.S.-based publication the New Yorker stirred passions throughout the blogosphere. The cartoon, displayed on the front of the July 21, 2008 edition of...
Africa: “Obama We Believe in You!”
Reactions are continuing to pour in from bloggers around the world on Barack Obama's success in clinching the Democratic Party's presidential nomination in the race to the White House. John Liebhardt sums up some of the reactions from Africa.
Africa: Florida is not Zimbabwe
When the US presidential campaign began – sometime shortly following the 2000 election – candidates of all stripes promised a thorough debate on issues, both of national and international importance. Yet, for all the hot air generated by the three remaining contenders from the major U.S. political parties, the subject of Africa (and its people) has most often received short shrift. No longer, writes John Liebhardt, who explains how presidential hopefuls are bringing up Africa in their debates, and how Africans view the US elections on their blogs.
A Letter from Africa
African bloggers are busy sending messages to Senators Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain about international relations, trade, religion and their overall expectations from the US presidential elections. John Liebhardt brings us the reactions of bloggers from South Africa, Nigeria and Ethiopia in this post.
Barack Obama is a liar and other campaign news from Africa
Why are some African bloggers calling Barack Obama a liar? And what do they have to say about the presidential hopeful's Race speech, campaign issues and foreign policy. John Liebhardt, who brings us other campaign news, looks into African blogs for reactions.
From Africa, ‘Hillary Clinton's Victorious Come Back!’
Hillary Clinton's victorious comeback has sent shock waves through the African blogopshere. John Liebhardt reviews blogger reactions from Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa in this round up.
Africa: Will Hillary ever be as popular as Bill Clinton?
Political campaigns – at least in the United States – take place in a bubble, sometimes far apart from reality. It’s not a completely fictitious world, this bubble. It looks...