· March, 2008

Stories Media & Internet from March, 2008

For African bloggers, the campaign has taken its toll

  March 17, 2008

For African bloggers checking in on the Democratic race, long gone are the pithy remarks about Clinton and Obama and the hopeful interest in U.S. presidential politics. A certain new tone has entered into the fray: Perhaps it’s irritability or defiance. If I had to pick an adjective to tag these posts, I’d label them as “partisan.” You are either for us or against us; it’s as simple as that, writes John Liebhardt in this review of African blogs.

Morocco: Much Ado About Hussein

Barack Obama has been challenged by the American right for several reasons - refusing to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, for attending an Islamic school as a child, and for being born to a Muslim father. Now he is under attack for his middle name - Hussein, a name made famous by Iraq's former leader, Saddam Hussein.